Why should I consider a Reo?

but if you are sure you cannot be convinced of the reo then dont agree to the swop cos i would have to part with my favourite device when you are already certain its not for you
I dont need to be convinced hehe its a good vape there is just other vapes as well hehe ;D
You fail to understand my answer...

I am putting my opinion here because for some reason you guys rate reo as the be all and end all but i have met a few people who were completely disappointed with the REO.

I do not sell my devices through your forum so it is irrelevant, my input here does not "influence" my sales ...

So you are selling them.

Let me get this straight, you feel it's fine to enlighten some minds that are clouded by the Reo fog. By basically promoting an alternative, which you just happen to sell... but not on this forum. So that makes it okay then?

We do not allow this forum to be used for marketing purposes by anyone who is not a registered vendor.
For me a regulated style Reo would be awesome, I am a massive fan of regulated devices as well. The Reo is great if you enjoy the flavour and vapor volume only a dripper can produce and you don't mind it being mechanical as well as the pain to squank.

I am still looking for my vaping nirvana, which will be a autofed, dripper on a regulated device :)

Im sure its not long before we see one :p
by now reo should have made proper regulated version that doesnt cost an arm and a leg (woodville) and I would say GET A REO lol :D
@Rob Fisher you are right, my comments are just because of the smashing im receiving for my opinion ;)

Nothing personal with any one its just the way i feel about it.

Then I have no issue at all... as long as you are happy with your devices that's kewl... you really don't have to like the REO or any oothermod for that matter... I just want to make sure that the discussion remains on the facts and not emotion. Passion is great and it's one of the things that REO fans thrive on... I just don't want the thread to denigrate into name calling and getting personal.
So you are selling them.

Let me get this straight, you feel it's fine to enlighten some minds that are clouded by the Reo fog. By basically promoting an alternative, which you just happen to sell... but not on this forum. So that makes it okay then?

We do not allow this forum to be used for marketing purposes by anyone who is not a registered vendor.

You sir are turning this situation into that...

None of the forum members can even get my devices ... lol sigh it in no way effects my business...
again i am expressing that there are other options...
For me a regulated style Reo would be awesome, I am a massive fan of regulated devices as well. The Reo is great if you enjoy the flavour and vapor volume only a dripper can produce and you don't mind it being mechanical as well as the pain to squank.

I am still looking for my vaping nirvana, which will be a autofed, dripper on a regulated device :)

Half the fun for me is exactly that - looking for the perfect device. And in a weird way I hope I come close but never find it, just to keep looking.

But yes a regulated REO sounds perfect to me.
I think Gauteng is safer place, if I don't have unregulated mods.

I appreciate your comments on the Reo and the regulated mods. I also don't know if you're just playing devil's advocate, but if it was just 1 or 2 people "punting" the Reo I think new Vapers can be negatively influenced into buying something and then realizing that it's not what it's made out to be, but there are about +/- 70 households having Reos and I still have to hear negative comments of Reo owners. Many have sold their Reos like @PeterHarris and @Cape vaping supplies and then later bought Reos again. Surely you would not buy the mod again if it's not a worth while option?

Again if it's not your cup or tea fine, but you can't discourage other that is really impressed with the device to not "defend" why they spend R2500 on a device which they feel that is worth every cent.
Further more I think people come to this forum for info on what's good and what's not and if the majority of people are raving about a particular device surely there have to be some merit in that for the device?
I'm sure a lot of people might enjoy a regulated Reo. Me personally I don't want it. Too many things can go wrong. Reo is a robust "unbreakable" mod. Add electronics and it changes completely. If you've had your Reo for a week+, you can probably build a coil in 2 minutes.
I am not discouraging or promoting any thing else over a reo

I am mentioning other options so people know there is more out there and one must explore all options...

Simply standing up and mentioning other things has created a stir on the forum...
@Rob Fisher mentioned keeping emotions out of it lol but it seems you reo guys really are in love with your devices, I cant help that and good for you :) I'm glad you have a vape you can enjoy, that is all we are looking for!

The reo was not for me and i wanted to express that. I describe this forum as punting reo's because as you can see there has been a vast amount of users who will tell you ITS ALL YOU NEED. That advice was not true for me...

Its just an opinion, albeit a different one. I just needed to put my piece in here so that the forum is not just posts of BUY REO, REO THIS REO THAT. lol

but hey to each their own lol
I hope every one has an awesome day ! Enough of the morning has passed lol and now NickT has a MASSIVE range of opinions to make a decision on if he wants a reo or not ;)


I appreciate your comments on the Reo and the regulated mods. I also don't know if you're just playing devil's advocate, but if it was just 1 or 2 people "punting" the Reo I think new Vapers can be negatively influenced into buying something and then realizing that it's not what it's made out to be, but there are about +/- 70 households having Reos and I still have to hear negative comments of Reo owners. Many have sold their Reos like @PeterHarris and @Cape vaping supplies and then later bought Reos again. Surely you would not buy the mod again if it's not a worth while option?

Again if it's not your cup or tea fine, but you can't discourage other that is really impressed with the device to not "defend" why they spend R2500 on a device which they feel that is worth every cent.
Further more I think people come to this forum for info on what's good and what's not and if the majority of people are raving about a particular device surely there have to be some merit in that for the device?

You are 1000% correct sir, but should those who dont enjoy it be ignored?
....and i will be happy once my new REO is here --- and SOMEONE SELL ME THEIR CYCLONE!!!!!!!:mad::banghead::censored::censored:

Bwhahaha! My new REO's should arrive this week or early next week as well as another parcel or two from the UK and then I will re-evaluate my Cyclone stock... ;-)
But I can only do one of those when everyone is happy again. ;-)

But if you look at the smileys, the one doesn't look happy at the start. His frown is turned upside down by the hug. This not only demonstrates the power of the hug but the appropriate time to use it :D

Who ever knew that we could learn so much from smilies!
I'm sure a lot of people might enjoy a regulated Reo. Me personally I don't want it. Too many things can go wrong. Reo is a robust "unbreakable" mod. Add electronics and it changes completely. If you've had your Reo for a week+, you can probably build a coil in 2 minutes.

No I'm just genuinely scared to have any unregulated device. I don't have the biggest house, two little kiddies running around. I really don't want anything explosive in the house.

I'm pretty sure I'm being overly paranoid, but still.
I am not discouraging or promoting any thing else over a reo

I am mentioning other options so people know there is more out there and one must explore all options...

Simply standing up and mentioning other things has created a stir on the forum...
@Rob Fisher mentioned keeping emotions out of it lol but it seems you reo guys really are in love with your devices, I cant help that and good for you :) I'm glad you have a vape you can enjoy, that is all we are looking for!

The reo was not for me and i wanted to express that. I describe this forum as punting reo's because as you can see there has been a vast amount of users who will tell you ITS ALL YOU NEED. That advice was not true for me...

Its just an opinion, albeit a different one. I just needed to put my piece in here so that the forum is not just posts of BUY REO, REO THIS REO THAT. lol

but hey to each their own lol
I hope every one has an awesome day ! Enough of the morning has passed lol and now NickT has a MASSIVE range of opinions to make a decision on if he wants a reo or not ;)


get a reo now NickT - even you said it :p