Introduce Yourselves:

Hallo everyone my name is Floris.i started vaping about 6 months ago and still going strong.thanx Arthur for introducing me to vaping
Most welcome. Congrats on the 6 months - an awesome accomplishment. Yes, @Arthster is a great member and contributor to this forum. Happy vaping.
hoping to learn alot and contribute

you will without a doubt find every kind of assistance here. most friendly group ive ever come across. also everyone is always keep to get input from everyone so do contribute just as soon as you ready.

lastly. you will need and open wallet policy LOL. the deals you find here are going to get your brain twisted and your wallet empty in no time
greetings from sunny cape town
enjoying a healthier alternative for more than a year
happy vaping
Welcome to the forum @booya

The sun almost always shines on here too, but most of us can't see it because of all the cloud cover :D

Enjoy ;)
my Innokin family getting excited ,seems with bit of guidance they will be growing up to become real Vape monsters


  • my family.JPG
    my family.JPG
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Hallo BumbleBee.thank you so much.i injoy every moment of being heere
Hallo marzuq thank you.will definitely ask for info or if I'm strugeling
Hallo Riddle thank you I love the forum and see wy arthster os so happy.its my brother in law and he introduced me to vaping 6months ago
Hallo everyone my name is Floris.i started vaping about 6 months ago and still going strong.thanx Arthur for introducing me to vaping
More frikkie. Finally joined the forum i see. It was easier to convince this bra to vape then it was to get him on the forum :D
@gripon come swing past tonight and i can show you some tips and tricks on the forum
Ok fantastic will do so.let me no when you are home.will be there with a cloud of flavour following me haha
"NOOBVAPER, hallo and welcum 2 the forum if you need eny help you have come to the right place
welcome to the forum @NOOBVAPOR here you will get all the help you want
Greetings All.
Ex 60+ a day analog smoker who has been happily vaping an e-go for a few months.
I have now upgraded to a Fogger v4.0 on a Penny clone mech mod and am lovin' it.
Welcome to all the new members.
If you are interested in tasting in receiving a box full of juices to taste, please add your name to the list here.
Welcome @Frank Zef

Congratulations on kicking a 60/day habit, that is no small feat :clap:

You seem to have already graduated to "proper" vape gear - it still amazes me that we were able to give up smoking using those basic kits, but it worked for me too :D

Enjoy the forum and "don't be evil (inside)" :rofl:
Thanx Alex I love the forum.evryone helps and gives you tips and so on its fantastic