Aspire Nautilus

That does look pretty awesome.. wonder what it will like like with a 18350 in it..
yes please, how long in mm's is the svd in 18350 mode? make me wanna buy one, cmon :)
I do not have 18350 batts, but in 18490 mode it is exactly 130 mm. So in 18350 mode it should be 116 mm.
I do not have 18350 batts, but in 18490 mode it is exactly 130 mm. So in 18350 mode it should be 116 mm.

That is actually quite manageable, the size that is
OK It's been a few hours now and I have done nothing but vape heavily on my Nautilus which has stayed on the SVD since I took the picture above... the tank is sitting on 3ml full (having used 2ml) and performing like a dream. It's a beautiful device and no question the best in class. And the fact that it will more than last a days fishing on my MVP makes it a clear winner in all classes including taste and vapour production!

I converted my fishing partner today having given him a set of Twisps and some Twisp juice to get him off the stinkies... No doubt will flog him some of my PT2 Mini's by next week along with a couple of eGo-C Twist 1100's!

I'll keep some of my PT2 Mini's for tasters and for a short taste change but my main atomiser will be the Nautilus that will be filled up with my top juices!

By all accounts the Nautilus is the shit! :D
where are you getting these from @Rob Fisher

My first one that arrived this morning came from Vapour Mountain along with some new Juices... the one I just ordered was from along with some spare coils and a spare glass just in case.

In two weeks or so they will be available at Vape King where I normally buy all my bits and pieces.
Thank you for the kind words guys

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Rob, you certainly have a way of making the rest of us need something desperately!
Looks horrible and top heavy for me on the MVP. As @Xero said, will probably look better on the SVD.

@Matthee and @Xero I'm really glad you made me drag my SVD out of the drawer today... I have never really liked my SVD because I found it hard to use initially and it wasn't user friendly and I actually had to go onto youtube to learn how to use it... I guess also part of the reason is that I got a dicky 18650 battery when I first got it so confidence level was down...but having used it today with the Nautilus I have to say the battery life seems pretty good and have used it all day and vaped like a man possessed and it's still showing no signs of running flat... and I have 4 fully charged 18650's. ;)

Yes it is big and doesn't really fit in my short pants pocket but the Nautilus looks really good on top of it so it will stay on top and I ordered another Nautilus for the MVP... with both the SVD and the MVP fully charged with two full Nautilus tanks I should no longer stress about running out of battery or juice!
Rob, you certainly have a way of making the rest of us need something desperately!

Sorry Shane... but the reality is that if it wasn't for you lunatics on this web site I would still be using my Twisps and getting that kak taste in my mouth from time to time... so the bottom line is that it's really your fault rather then mine. :p:D;)
Sorry Shane... but the reality is that if it wasn't for you lunatics on this web site I would still be using my Twisps and getting that kak taste in my mouth from time to time... so the bottom line is that it's really your fault rather then mine. :p:D;)

Hahaha, no need to apologise, I appreciate your reviews!

I thought I wanted a nice RBA but I think a nautilus is gonna be next on my list. It looks really good on the SVD.

Once you get used to your SVD, you will see... It kicks ass! Yes it's big but it's just so beautiful
Once you get used to your SVD, you will see... It kicks ass! Yes it's big but it's just so beautiful

It is... and to think I nearly got rid of it a few days ago... :eek:

But hardware wise I think I'm pretty much set now so my credit card can take a few days off...
We'll see about that. :)

Well I need to go back in the threads and see who is to blame for sending me to Fast Tech because man O man have they got tons of crap... and yes I did use my credit card there but only to buy a few things I couldn't find locally... I'll always buy local if I can not only to support local but to get things faster.
Love all your commentary @Rob Fisher !!
You are an inspiration and as Shane said, you make us want the gear.
Glad you didnt toss the SVD, i like it a lot and think its a solid piece of vaping equipment.
Love your comments on the Nautilus

Juice capacity aside, how is the vape compared to the PT2mini and 30b ?
I am more of a throat hit and flavour person. I dont care much about vapour.
Juice capacity aside, how is the vape compared to the PT2mini and 30b ?

I haven't really used the 30B much and probably haven't given it a fair shake... I originally bought it to go on the SVD and because I battled with the SVD at first it was relegated to the Vape drawer... now that the SVD is rocking and rolling I'll try it again.

The Nautilus and the PT2 Mini are just so perfect I haven't paid attention to much else. The Nautilus that I filled yesterday morning should need a refill in a few hours time and maybe I'll give the 30B a go again. I know @vaalboy loves it.
Great, thanks Rob - how does the Nautilus compare to the PT2Mini then?
Throat hit and flavour are my main requirements...

I find the PT2Mini gives me good flavour, slightly better than the PT2 Mega and the Twisp.
Throat hit is juice dependent but on the same juice at roughly the same power its pretty similar to the PT2Mega.