Vape King - Retailer Reviews

Barak & Vandal I have pm'ed you. I will also be giving both of you R100 in-store credit for the inconvenience on top of your refund.

Necro, I am very sorry about that as well, I will also be giving you R100 in-store credit. Please PM so I can attach it to your account.
Hi @Stroodlepuff

Thanks again for the response, and my apologies for the delay in mine.

Nonetheless, I commend you for the calm, considered and constructive approach you took to the criticism. The retail world has changed hugely in the last few years, due to the internet and social media platforms - all of a sudden one unhappy customer can set off a chain reaction of negative perception. This does however have the opposite effect, too. Good retailers can receive the warranted praise in a publicly accessible manner, and very quickly news will spread. As I've said a few times now - I really want to like and support you guys, but I also want to feel like my hard-earned money is going to a business deserving of support.

Anyway, back to the subject in question:

Although you have for the most-part, acceptably defended and justified the issues I put forward, I feel that the issue of poor service as a whole has not been addressed. The most constructive way I could think of approaching the matter would be to outline a process which would be deemed as "good service" in the consumer service industry. I just want stress firstly, that I was in no was accusing you of being unfriendly - from what I have read on the forums, you seem to be quite the opposite. There is an old saying which I like to keep in mind before making assumptions on a person - "never judge a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins" Which is why I am prepared to work with you on this, and try and present a solution.

Back to subject, again...

The basis for any successful business is reputation - and any good salesman will attest to the fact that it is not what you are selling, but how you are selling it. I for one have not had any issues with your products (the juices that were so unpleasant were 2 flavours out of 15 other VK juices that I have in my collection and LOVE, so by no means represent your brand as a whole). Add to that the fact that my initial impressions of VK were that of admiration - you guys have achieved a huge amount in terms of breadth and expansion, in your store and brand, the forum, and vapecon. However, there are fundamental issues lying at the base that could bring the whole building down. The web-end seems to run reasonably well, apart from a few exceptions - firstly, it is blatantly apparent that your couriers screw you around more often than not. This is a no-brainer. Get rid of them TODAY! You can do everything in your power to provide good service, and bad service from your final link could nullify it all. Secondly, an "options selection" module needs to be implemented, whereby users can select nicotine strength etc from within the product listing, instead of individual listings for each product.

Before I start on the B&m store, I would just like to state that the majority of the gripes I encountered would've been non-issues, had I felt that you were making an effort to start with. Sh*t happens, but it is how you deal with it that matters.

Firstly, get your gate sorted! I see that there were workers there when I last visited, so I assume that is being dealt with. However, when a new customer approaches the shop for the first time, it can be a bit intimidating coming into what is essentially a private residence, and it seems like there are several customers who have been put off by the process of just trying to get in.

Secondly, APOLOGIES, APOLOGIES, APOLOGIES. The lack of bags, no stock of mouth-covers, ordered items not in stock, struggled to get through gate - all of these could have been non-issues had you apologized for the inconvenience, and made me feel like I was being appreciated and given the appropriate attention.

To illustrate, lets take my scenario, and I'll demonstrate the way in which it should have been dealt with:

I arrive at the gate and after 15 minutes of waiting, finally get in, obviously slightly annoyed. The minute a customer walks in the door, they should be greeted. "Good day, is there anything I can assist you with?" , or if you are busy "Good day, I'll be with you shortly. Please take a seat on the nice, comfortable couches, or feel free to try the tester rack in the meantime." further: "sorry that there are no tip-covers, we've run out of stock. However, we clean all the tips with rubbing alcohol in the interim, so you won't die of ebola" Point of the matter is make sure that you make every single customer that walks in to your shop feel like they are receiving personal attention. The perception I had when I first walked in was that of a "cliquey" sort of vibe. It is something that develops naturally in this sort of field, which is why one has to work to make sure it is not the perception. You have an idea market, whereby a happy customer is likely to be a customer for many years, or for life. Take advantage of it.

(Next to the point of the dry tester atties - I get what you're saying - its hard to monitor the levels constantly, but develop a routine. Once every 2 hours, get up and check them all. Besides, being that I arrived before 11am 3 of my 4 visits, I doubt that there would've been such a high usage in 2 hours since opening, so before opening the doors, check again.)

Next point: Don't sell ANYTHING that your not are both entirely knowledgeable on and can provide thorough and accurate advise, or that you are not entirely happy with the quality. Yes, it sucks to lose stock to bad purchases etc, but in the end it will be less of a blow to write-off a couple of items, than piss-off a loyal customer. Penny wise, pound foolish. Which brings me to the point of traditional tobacco - it is not just me that thinks it tastes like pesticide, I have seen several bad reviews. Pull that stuff off the shelves before it does any more damage to the brand. You guys have more than enough awesome juices to make up for it. Kings pipe may be a subjective thing, so I shan't comment further.

You guys have expanded hugely, as I said, so I understand the pressure that is placed when things get chaotic. However, you HAVE to constantly bare in mind that quality over quantity is valued by most. Which brings me back to the issues of bags and mouth covers - You have been in business long enough to have an idea of the quantity required to carry the month, so make sure you meet it, and more! Again, sh*t happens, I get it. But out of the 4 purchases I've made, only once I have received a bag.. thats a trend, not an exception. The spar across the roads sells ziplock bags - not ideal, but better than having a customer who has just spent several thousand rand have to struggle to cradle the goods like an armful of spaghetti.

This entire post revolves around one concept - rigid routine and procedure. Consistency is key. You need to create a procedure for ensuring every customer receives appropriate attention. This extends to the website - create a procedure for cash on collection orders, along the lines of "orders not paid for in advance will be kept aside for "insert time period" , and then returned to stock on hand. I have had many other vendors set aside items for me, without objection. Yes, it is a risk, but is it not more of a risk to have a loyal customer place a order, drive across JHB for collection and then find out half of the order has been given away already, and never return as a result?

To address the SMAX matter - I completely understand the gravity of the amount of work you are dealing with, however, that is no excuse for the way the matter was dealt with after the event. If I were in your position, I would've said to the customer (me): "Apologies for neglecting to mention that there is a promo tonight where you can save 10% on the several thousand you have just spent, but to make it up to you and show we appreciate you as a customer, we are going to give you 10% off your next order" You would've lost nothing, but gained my respect and loyalty.

As I said, guys - you have done a lot of things right, you have a huge range of stock, some great juices, and what could be a really pleasant, relaxing shopping experience. I really want to do business with you again, but I have to place my morals above what is convenient. I'm willing to work with you to help get the issues sorted wherever I can, and appreciate the gesture of good-will to swap out the juices, but will really sell it for me is walking back into the shop, and being blown away by a feeling of great customer service.

I could apologies over and over but this would not rectify how you feel, I totally agree. I could give you reasons for all those issues above, but that also doesn't solve anything.

As for the criticism.

To have each e-liquid with radio box for selection of the strength, we could do easily. However due to Point of Sale system which integrates with the online store does not support drop down selection so each product has to be added for each strength.

As for the in-store experience, I agree with you, we have a lot we need to fix. The gate issue has been fixed, it was just recently implemented but that is no excuse. The Atties do need to checked daily to check if they dry, all our atties are also changing to ET-S tank for a better testing experience. The mouth pieces are back in stock.. However, they do go out from time to time, but I am taking all these things into account and will try to keep them in stock at all times.

As for those bags I am terribly sorry. Our normal bags did run out of stock but our normal back are back in stock.

As for not feeling welcomed when you come in, I will not allow this to happen. This is the most serious matter, we do not want any customer not feeling part of the vaping family. WE WILL WORK ON THIS!

As for the SMAX launch it was advertised on Facebook and on the forum weeks in advance. We do bring it up in store when client asked about new juices, however, I will also send out email campaigns with events like this in advance as one additional contact method.

I really do appreciate your constructive criticism, at the end of the day that's the best review anyone can offer and its gladly appreciated.

I will also be offering you R300 in-store credit for all this useful advice.

Thanks again!

Warren Pleass CEO
Thanks to @Gizmo for the personal response and for sorting out the problems I had. This goes a long way.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I could apologies over and over but this would not rectify how you feel, I totally agree. I could give you reasons for all those issues above, but that also doesn't solve anything.

As for the criticism.

To have each e-liquid with radio box for selection of the strength, we could do easily. However due to Point of Sale system which integrates with the online store does not support drop down selection so each product has to be added for each strength.

As for the in-store experience, I agree with you, we have a lot we need to fix. The gate issue has been fixed, it was just recently implemented but that is no excuse. The Atties do need to checked daily to check if they dry, all our atties are also changing to ET-S tank for a better testing experience. The mouth pieces are back in stock.. However, they do go out from time to time, but I am taking all these things into account and will try to keep them in stock at all times.

As for those bags I am terribly sorry. Our normal bags did run out of stock but our normal back are back in stock.

As for not feeling welcomed when you come in, I will not allow this to happen. This is the most serious matter, we do not want any customer not feeling part of the vaping family. WE WILL WORK ON THIS!

As for the SMAX launch it was advertised on Facebook and on the forum weeks in advance. We do bring it up in store when client asked about new juices, however, I will also send out email campaigns with events like this in advance as one additional contact method.

I really do appreciate your constructive criticism, at the end of the day that's the best review anyone can offer and its gladly appreciated.

I will also be offering you R300 in-store credit for all this useful advice.

Thanks again!

Warren Pleass CEO
Hey @Gizmo

Thanks for the response and apology, and for taking the time to hear-out your customers, and address any issues put forward. I'm glad that you have placed such attention towards the issues with customer service, and I'm confident you will take what has been said and use it to improve the experience.

I see that @Stroodlepuff has now made some changes to the layout of the online store, and the juices are now categorized by brand. Much better, and clears up the cluttered browsing experience.

You're right, the SMAX launch was definitely sufficiently advertised - that is not what I was addressing though. And the manner in which I addressed it was only due to my prior perceptions. Unfortunately using tapatalk for browsing the forums does lead to missing some things, but I definitely don't hold any grudges for how things played out.

I have confidence that this is the last of my bad experiences with VK, and I'm looking forward to my next trip through to the store. Thank you for the offer of store credit, it is appreciated. I'll PM you my account details, and the purchase slips which do not yet reflect on the rewards balance.

Hope you guys have an awesome one
I would like to echo @audiophile011 's sentiments. I think part of the frustration is that we all really want to be part of and help grow the local vape industry and support you guys. Especially considering you're literally on our doorstep, we want this to be our first stop for gear and juices and to come hang out and vapechat.

That said, I was in VK today to pick up my birthday present to myself. (4nine mod with derringer, very cool so stoked!) and the service was impeccable. I had no wait at the gate and was let straight in. I received a friendly greeting at the door and spent the next 30 minutes chatting amicably with Sharri about various juices and mods. Sharri was knowledgeable about the products, let me take to pieces the mods I was looking at, and made excellent recommendations regarding the setup I was looking at.

This is exactly what I want from a B&M and I know it's not always possible when the shop is busy, but it really does go a long way towards making one feel like a valued customer. Thank you Sharri and VK. I'll be seeing you guys again soon.
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I would like to echo @audiophile011 's sentiments. I think part of the frustration is that we all really want to be part of and help grow the local vape industry and support you guys. Especially considering you're literally on our doorstep, we want this to be our first stop for gear and juices and to come hang out and vapechat.

That said, I was in VK today to pick up my birthday present to myself. (4nine mod with derringer, very cool so stoked!) and the service was impeccable. I had no wait at the gate and was let straight in. I received a friendly greeting at the door and spent the next 30 minutes chatting amicably with Sharri about various juices and mods. Sharri was knowledgeable about the products, let me take to pieces the mods I was looking at, and made excellent recommendations regarding the setup I was looking at.

This is exactly what I want from a B&M and I know it's not always possible when the shop it busy, but it really does go a long way towards making one feel like a valued customer. Thank you Sharri and VK. I'll be seeing you guys again soon.

Brilliant news!!! Thanks for posting, Gambit! I'm very happy to hear of your good experience. Well done, @Stroodlepuff and @Gizmo

Happy birthday @Gambit , for whenever that may be. Hope you have a smashing one
I'm very pleased to say that my previous bad experiences at VK have more than been made up for with my last trip through to the store. I arrived at the gate, and was buzzed in before I had taken my finger off the button. Walking into the store and being greeted by Warren immediately gave off a very different vibe to my prior experiences - he was friendly and polite before realizing who I was, and we had a nice (albeit brief) chat, and I'm pleased to have finally met @Gizmo. All my questions were answered thoroughly and helpfully, and I left the store with a load more than I was intending to. All the testers are in good nick, and bags and mouth-piece covers in abundance.

Well done for hearing out your customers, and using the criticism to better the experience!

Thanks, @Stroodlepuff and @Gizmo
Wow, I thought I was alone in my experience with VK, It seem not. Personally, I will not deal with VK again because of my bad experience with them - compounded since it was my FIRST and LAST experience with them.

I had placed an order for a rather expensive atty and figured I'd order a few other low-value consumables with the order to save on the shipping. Paid immediately and recieved an email to say that my stuff was on its way. Courier arrived promptly the next day and I was bursting with excitement for my new gear. Bear in mind, at this time I was a relatively new vaper and had just progressed from a Twisp to a MPT2 on the Twisp battery. I signed for my package, thinking it seemed a bit small. I ripped it open the package while walking back to my office - the excitement was so much that I couldnt wait.

Imagine the sinking feeling I got when all that was in the package was the consumables which probably cost 1/5th of the order total. Got back to my desk and popped off a mail... After waiting four hours for a response I called the store and was transferred to a lady that informed me that my atty was not shipped because it was out of stock; same disinterested, annoyed demeanour that @audiophile011 experienced in the store, his account is perfectly relatable to me.

-Item was clearly marked "IN STOCK" on the site
-No email or otherwise telling me it wasnt
-Not even a note in the package
-I had to call to enquire, after my money had been taken

I was told that the stock would arrive in two weeks time, I was not interested in waiting any longer, I politely asked for a refund. I was assured the value of the item would be refunded. 3 days go by and nothing, I had to call back a further 3 times and only then was my cash refunded.

Unfortunately I have no positive feedback for VK - the entire experience was unpleasant and as a result, VK has lost out on thousands of rands worth of business from me. I prefer to spend my cash at vendors that treat their customers with courtesy and respect. I wont mention any names, but those vendors get repeat business from me every month, without fail - not because their prices are the best or that their ranges are extensive, but because they make me feel like a valued customer.

VK used to be a legendary name n the vaping community - dont let all that hard work go down the tubes. get your house in order soon - or your house will fall like a pack of cards.
Online Experience with Vape King

I have placed two orders with Vape King online.

The first order (September) included a charger and 18650 batteries because I had obtained my first REO. Well, the batteries came, Wire, Omni Tester, and more. No charger though. I mailed them at 11pm at night and received an answer early the next day. Yes, it took 8 days but the charger eventually arrived and is still ticking over. The shipping of the charger was slow but the replies were prompt.

I place a new order a couple of weeks ago. Fast turnaround. I had the goods (Johannesburg to KZN) in 2 days. All goods received in good order.

Mistakes CAN be made because we are human. I personally did experience a moment of someone being human but I did not receive bad service or manners....

The range is good, the prices are fair, and the response time is good too. I will buy again.
Hello fellow vapetownians,

I don't know if I am allowed to do this, but I really feel the need to give credit where credit is due.

Vapeking Kempton, which is headed by Michael van der Walt is absolutely awesome. This guy does so much extra to ensure that his customers are happy. He has seriously good prices and his product knowledge is really something that is unique.

On a Sunday afternoon/evening, he has the kindness to help me set up this mean baby, help me with with the coiling process (seeing that I am such a noob), and still do that with a smile!

Really, if you want excellent products and great quality service, go check him out... uploadfromtaptalk1427702203555.jpguploadfromtaptalk1427702247048.jpg
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Hello fellow vapetownians,

I don't know if I am allowed to do this, but I really feel the need to give credit where credit is due.

Vapeking Kempton, which is headed by Michael van der Walt is absolutely awesome. This guy does so much extra to ensure that his customers are happy. He has seriously good prices and his product knowledge is really something that is unique.

On a Sunday afternoon/evening, he has the kindness to help me set up this mean baby, help me with with the coiling process (seeing that I am such a noob), and still do that with a smile!

Really, if you want excellent products and great quality service, go check him out... View attachment 24062View attachment 24063

Great Stuff!!

Well Done Michael! Its always fun and enjoyable to go there!
Dude, I can totally relate to your experience with Vape King. One visit was enough for me.... They were also the first shop I entered after deciding to get something better than Twisp. I made the trip all the way from Centurion with my wife and I got the same reaction from her as your wife. My wife's exact words were "They weren't very nice. I think you should rather smoke your cigarettes than go back there".

However, out of desperation (after hours) I had to make a turn at the Pretoria agent. That was the total opposite. So friendly and totally helpful.

Then the Centurion agent opened up. Even better! I totally love that dude.

I think maybe the Head Office can learn a great deal from the agents. Those guys really go all out to make one feel welcome.

I also hope I did not hurt anyone's feelings, but I have a few buddies that complained about the same experience. I definitely don't want VK to shut down so I hope this can be looked into.

Been dealing with Kal from the Centurion/Lytellton branch.. Talk about going the extra mile... Kal often waits for me to arrive way after closing time (i have to do the daily N1 trek to get home).... Always has on-point advice and when he doesn't know something, he is upfront about it (no making up some stuff for sales).. If you are reading this, Kal, keep up the awesome service man.
Been dealing with Kal from the Centurion/Lytellton branch.. Talk about going the extra mile... Kal often waits for me to arrive way after closing time (i have to do the daily N1 trek to get home).... Always has on-point advice and when he doesn't know something, he is upfront about it (no making up some stuff for sales).. If you are reading this, Kal, keep up the awesome service man.

Thanks for sharing your views @Renesh

Its about time you upload a cool avatar pic for yourself!
Just log in with a normal browser, click your name in the top right, then "avatar"
A pic that is 300 by 300 pixels works best
Thanks for sharing your views @Renesh

Its about time you upload a cool avatar pic for yourself!
Just log in with a normal browser, click your name in the top right, then "avatar"
A pic that is 300 by 300 pixels works best

Uploaded... :)
Ok, this is a touch old now. (Happened towards the end of last month, April)

Theres issues for me buying stuff online from a lot of SA vendors (excessive bank charges, shipping, etc...)

So I came all the way from Zim (to get my passport application in). To buy me some vaping loots. The passport thing was delayed pretty seriously. So I only got to Vape King Kempton Park at like maybe 17:30ish (which i'm sure is past closing time)

But, I phoned Michael (@VapeKing), and he let me in. Showed me a whole bunch of gear, was very knowledgeable. Was generally a really nice guy. We ended up chewing the fat for about 20min. I dropped 3.5k-ish, and TBH with the high level of customer service and the friendliness I'd do it again in a heart beat.

I'm a very happy customer, so happy I'm going to pick up more stuff tomorrow sometime (In amongst picking up the bloody passport) :p
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Just a small follow up, Popped over to @VapeKing on Wednesday, He had everything ready and waiting for me. We talked some crap, and he gave me some advice about the Epoch RTA. All in all a very awesome experience!
In general I tend to stay away from credit card transactions over the internet, because of certain things that`s happened in the past, so it’s good to have a B&M store just around the corner from where I live. The very first time I visited VK I waited awhile (about five minutes) at the red door before I eventually called the number on the website and asked to be let in. Yes I did try pressing the buzzer for all of five minutes:giggle:. Other than that one incident the service I received on other occasions was great. Last week I bought a Terminator box mod, charger and some 18650 batteries from VK. When I got home I tested the batteries with my multimeter and one of them measured 1.6 volts. I returned the next day with the battery and they swapped it out with out any fuss or hassle. Just my:2c:
Just a quick review here, in the past 2 years I would say that I have been a pretty good customer to Vape King, I have told anyone and everyone that comes up to me with my massive ecigs and asks "where did you get that?" my first response is always "I got it at Vape King in Fourways" - I have even had 3 of my colleagues and my partner spend some money there.

I have had a couple of small niggles with orders having no stock, but they were dealt with professionally.

I have had pretty decent service all round and will probably return.

The only thing I will say is that I have steered away from their juices, I just find them to be a little harsh for me but that being said I am extremely fussy and it is very difficult for me to find a juice that I like even when I DIY my juice so I'll give them a break on that one.

Overall a pretty happy customer here :)
Well, I have had mixed responses from the various VK branches..
First one I phoned up was the one in Parkview area, asked if they had the SubTank mini in stock, and got a swift 'no' and then nothing, not when stock may be in again, just a kind of 'will that be all'
Wanted to support them since they are on my way home...
Next up VK Northcliff.. Luke, what a bloke! Very friendly, helpful, and will get whatever I need with his next order for me, checking if HQ has stock for him.
I agree, the VK juices dont rock my world, a bit harsh tasting, can't quite put my finger on what could improve it for my palet...
All the other juice ranges? So far all winners! Thus all my empty bottles.
With Luke's service, I always seem to walk out with more than intended!
With my last visit there, the shop was packed, so I got to listen in on his current sale. The guy buying was a nood, and his mom the one paying. He decided on a SubTank mini (if I remember correctly) but was all starry eyed with the mods to choose from. Luke suggested an iStick 50W which would suit all his needs (heck, I love my iStick, so sound advice!
But the oke tried to justify getting a Smok M80 +, revving up his mom's bill just for what he thought would be better, as a first buy. Luke admitted he could be a salesman and sell a more expensive mod, but still the iStick would be better to start on. The mom agreed, and the sale was made. Unfortunately the last iStick 50W in stock, which I wanted too, but oh well, got one the following week.
Luke is also very patient with me bombarding him on WhatsApp regarding what I want to get, and as long as I ask before he goes to pick up his stock from HQ, and they have stock, i'll have it asap.
Went to VK HQ once....
Luckily there was a couple in front of me at the gate, so I could just follow them around the side and find the shop :-D
I wouldn't say I felt uncomfortable, just a tad out of my depth, not knowing their juices, and didn't really know what to get. It's probably just me, but the testers weren't easy to navigate solo with no guidance from someone, so just chose juices based on what was said was in them, luckily plaid out ok, but wont buy them again though, very strong chemical odour/ taste.
Got some decent help in getting an omnitester, ceramic tweezers, and a Kuru Concepts coiler (advised by the lady as being better than the VK one, and yes, it works like a charm)
Didn't know much about the imported juices, and wasn't advised on any of them after saying what kind of vape I'm looking for, so decided to call it a sale on what I've selected so far, including batteries and a Nitecor D4 charger.
Didn't bother with points, as I had already decided VK Northcliff would be my go-to shop.
Overall a good experience, but as stated by others, the vendors selling on their behalf seem to put in a little extra to get return clientele.
Next time I visit my parents I will be escourting them to the Centurion branch, as that's 16km from them, and hopefully open a door for them to go do all their top up purchases as they use up the starter coils and juices I got them at VK Northcliff.
I prefer to walk into a shop and buy in person, and for that VK meets my demand.
So I don't usually complain but today I am quite annoyed.

I have been to VK many times and had average or below average service (person assisting me did not know the difference between nickel and kanthal wire-Really????).

EDIT: Brief description of what happened

Today I called to inquire regarding stock of the eVic Ti and NI coils. I was told yes stock is available. I thereafter inquired as to whether they were the rebuildable type. I was shocked to hear "No these type of coils are not rebuildable and you don't get them for the eVic" I said you do, there's CL and CLR coils. Again with a degree of insistence was told that no, there's no such thing as a CLR coil (back and forth happened a few times). I won't lie, I was slightly less pleasant thereafter and said that they should check the Joyetech Website if they don't believe me.

With my discussion with other vendors as well as the the Joyetech website, I am certain that these do in fact exist.

One problem is common with both of my experiences is that the staff aren't very experienced/knowledgeable regarding the vaping world.

Vape King, I'm not going name people but please show the staff (Parkwood) this picture:

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Sorry for the confusion and misunderstanding.

Sadly we don’t have the CLR-ti rebuild-able desks in stock. I am sure we will have them in stock sometime in the future.

Please accept our apology for any misunderstanding.


Quinton Pleass

Vape King Store Manager