How much do you spend on COMMERCIAL E-liquid per month?


Enthusiastically Clueless
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So go ahead and spill the beans, how much do you spend on commercial e-liquid in a month? I think many of us have stopped caring if vaping is cheaper than smoking, my health is worth more than any number on paper can be, but I want to do a little experiment around DIY.
DIY e-liquid can end up saving you a ton of money, IF you are one of the lucky people who finds a few winners and sticks with them. If you are like me however and get bored quickly and intrigued by the lure of something new too easily, it always seems like you need just a few more concentrates. This means that you end up spending a lot more than you vape in a month, so here is what I want to do...
Assuming that DIY is a hobby (most of those tend to be expensive anyway) and not merely a budgetary consideration, I want to see how far you can push the envelope with acquiring DIY stock before it would have become better to simply buy various commercial liquids.
In essence, if I spend on DIY what the average person spends on commercial juices in a month, how big a DIY cavern can I build?
I spend R120 a month on DIY juice (R360 once off every 3 months) . Haven't bought commercial in years.
I spend R120 a month on DIY juice (R360 once off every 3 months) . Haven't bought commercial in years.
Cool, so keep an eye on the thread and let's see where this goes.
I feel bad every time I pop R1000 cart through Blck's checkout, but recently started wondering about things. I like to try new things and want to see how much I can experiment while still staying below the average commercial spend cap.
Typically on juice I spend around R400 every six weeks or so. Limited to no more than 5 basic mixes that I enjoy.

OOPS, my bad I misread the "commercial bit" I only DIY now.

However as a comparison I used to spend around R 800 on mostly MTL high nic commercial juices
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I like where you are going with this.

I DIY only. It's not easy to work out what I spend because I still have tons of "value" remaining in my concentrate, PG, VG, and nic stocks (plus already mixed juice).

It would be interesting to know what commercial juice users spend per month mainly because it would make me feel better about my growing number of concentrates.
@Stranger @Speedy_11 thanks for the replies, but I am specifically looking for the guys who do not DIY at all. I want those people who pop down to their local vape shop and buy commercial liquids only.
@Puff the Magic Dragon has it spot on, I want to see how much experimental "wastage" I can allow myself before it just becomes a complete waste...

Come to think of it @Puff the Magic Dragon (and this is somewhat unrelated, so look at me hijacking my own thread), what do you think of the idea of DIY swap meets. Do you think the DIY'ers would like something where they can post their "unwanted", or least used concentrates and see if one guys junk is another's treasure? For instance, you may like to take my Creme de Menthe off my hands in exchange for your Cinnamon Danish Swirl, or something like that?
I mainly DIY so R400 or so every other month, but some times there are mixes that I crave that I can't mix and then I buy some shop juice, so R200-R300 extra some months.
I DIY too so can't give accurate comment but it's safe to assume 10ml is a fair average consumed by your general vaper...

Assuming this;
10ml x 30 days =
300ml / 60ml =
5 bottles =
5 x +/- R220 =
R1100 per person per month on average...
I go through 4 x 100ml Miss Daisy per month @ R330 each = R1320.

I try to get my moneys worth out of the empties by using them for drip irrigation, urethane molds etc

Haven’t workout out monthly yes but the juices I buy range been 180 to 250 for 60ml. I do buy one weekly of my usual. Having said that I do experiment if the brands I buy from launch a new juice. So 250*4=1000 a month
And for the last two months bought 4 I didn’t like so that’s another 1000 give or take.
anywhere between R1800 and R2500 per month on a selection of 4-6 different juices. I have tried the DIY route, with no success. I'll rather support the guys and girls that know what they are doing. It is much more than what i spent on smokes, but you can't compare money to health.
Before I started DIY it was around 800-1000 per month.
Now I spend around 200 per month plus a 75ml bottle tko lime milk as a treat.
So around 470 per month.
I am paying between R700 to R1100 for commercial juice every since I found this forum, I have alredy planned to start DIY. Already placed my order, so I hope that will come down substantially...
anywhere between R1800 and R2500 per month on a selection of 4-6 different juices. I have tried the DIY route, with no success. I'll rather support the guys and girls that know what they are doing. It is much more than what i spent on smokes, but you can't compare money to health.
Exactly, once the health benefits are weighed up, the total amount spent becomes irrelevant, whether it is a favourite liquid, fancy coils, new hardware or all of the above. This is purely an academic exercise in seeing how crazy someone can go in DIY from a hobbyist perspective to match the usual spend of those buying commercial.
My wife currently vapes 100ml of DIY Mayan Milk a week along with a commercial juice she still has stock of, but she made it clear that as soon as lockdown ends, Mayan Milk makes way for her other favourite commercial juice. I like this arrangement, because I will get less flak for buying a new mod!
2020-05-11 18.39.50.jpg
In the good old days before the lockdown I use to spend R 1,600.00 per month on my MTL juice ( 20 ml bottle ( @ R 200 per bottle)x 2 a week = 160 ml per month = R 10 per ml )
This is a safe zone.

There will be no judgement.

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There may be some envy, but we can all live with that.

So go ahead and spill the beans, how much do you spend on commercial e-liquid in a month? I think many of us have stopped caring if vaping is cheaper than smoking, my health is worth more than any number on paper can be, but I want to do a little experiment around DIY.
DIY e-liquid can end up saving you a ton of money, IF you are one of the lucky people who finds a few winners and sticks with them. If you are like me however and get bored quickly and intrigued by the lure of something new too easily, it always seems like you need just a few more concentrates. This means that you end up spending a lot more than you vape in a month, so here is what I want to do...
Assuming that DIY is a hobby (most of those tend to be expensive anyway) and not merely a budgetary consideration, I want to see how far you can push the envelope with acquiring DIY stock before it would have become better to simply buy various commercial liquids.
In essence, if I spend on DIY what the average person spends on commercial juices in a month, how big a DIY cavern can I build?
About the part "I think many of us have stopped caring if vaping is cheaper than smoking". The great thing is vaping can be as cheap or expensive as you want it to be it's all down to choices so if vaping is costing a lot of money it's because that particular person thinks it's worth it!
About R200-300 a month on diy for my 100ml a week
Used to treat myself to 1 commercial juice a month but bought too many bad juices that is far from my diy quality. Only still bought Juniper once in a while but now I mix my own G&T that is on par with it.
About the part "I think many of us have stopped caring if vaping is cheaper than smoking". The great thing is vaping can be as cheap or expensive as you want it to be it's all down to choices so if vaping is costing a lot of money it's because that particular person thinks it's worth it!

I agree 100%, I have an affliction of wanting new goodies all the time. At first I felt bad because “cigarettes never cost me this much”, but it has become a hobby for me. Everyone gets what they need/want from it, I just meant that I think for most, saving cash is not necessarily the main aim.

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