Recent content by Beyman

  1. Beyman

    Nom Du Plume - Juice Reviews

    Whats up everyone! I trust you all are well? Today I picked up one of the new juices from the nom du plume line #8 raspberry doughnut!!!! What can I say... this juice is spectacular. On the inhale I get an amazing soft bakery doughnut taste with the sweetness of raspberry tones following ever...
  2. Beyman

    Provari P3 for sale

    Beyman posted a new classified: Provari P3 for sale I am Selling my Provari P3 Read more about the classified...
  3. Beyman

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    Was good having you in the store today man! Loved your diy juices ! Keep at it. As @RevnLucky7 said, always a pleasure having you with us !
  4. Beyman

    When you had your first vape

    My first vape was probably about 3 or so years ago. I remeber it being on one of those ciggarette looking devices ( if my memory serves me well it was a twisp product) that first drag was awful... The juice spat back into my mouth... Then around a year ago when the new devices started getting...
  5. Beyman

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hey Guys My name is Beyers i'm currently 20 years of age, living and studying in Cape Town. Ive been vaping for almost a year now. Like most of you i'm extremely passionate about vaping ;) Ive only recently started using RDA's as I've been using various tanks and mods for the past few...