Recent content by Renato Da Silva

  1. Renato Da Silva

    Getting a little hot there

    @johan Ah excellent glad to hear. I rather ask the question and look stupid than not say anything and look stupid with no lips :P Thanks to everyone else that add in comments to assist me.:D
  2. Renato Da Silva

    Getting a little hot there

    Ok so I vaped about 8 times in the period it took, my co-worker to smoke a cigaret. The tank was a little warm.
  3. Renato Da Silva

    Vision Spinner II

    Yea that is what happens, when it stops charging the first time. I just unscrew it and screw it back in and it's fine. I am grabbing my buddies battery later on this week and will see what happens
  4. Renato Da Silva

    Getting a little hot there

    Hi guys I have been getting it more with my Aerotank then my Pro Tank. However as most said, it's probably cause I am vaping to much/quickly. @Riaz Mostly the bottom of the tank gets warm. However let me confirm that before I say one thing and I am wrong. @johan I will test soon how many...
  5. Renato Da Silva

    Getting a little hot there

    Hi Guys I read through the battery topic here, however I did not find any post relating to my question that I had. Unless I am searching in the wrong place.( then I am sorry) However when I am vaping, between my battery (vision Spinner 2) and my tank (aerotank mini) it gets really hot after...
  6. Renato Da Silva

    Vision Spinner II

    My Charger also does this and I bought a new vision Charger the other day for my spinner 2
  7. Renato Da Silva

    Erm.... Aspire Nautilus, Not All Its Cracked Up To Be?

    @ Andre @ BumbleBee Thanks guys for helping me out :) much appreciated
  8. Renato Da Silva

    Erm.... Aspire Nautilus, Not All Its Cracked Up To Be?

    Hi wanted to ask who owns a mini, just simply want to know the weight. Cause I use a vision spinner II and I am scared with it being to heavy for the battery, then next minute having it fall over and break. As I read that the glass breaks pretty easily
  9. Renato Da Silva

    New Stock Arriving Soon

    An peanut butter sandwhich maker?
  10. Renato Da Silva

    New Stock Arriving Soon

    Thanx vapeking staff for moving the new stock out so quickly :P
  11. Renato Da Silva

    New Stock Arriving Soon

    Just picked up the Pro Kit for my buddy and I am sure soon he will be loving life :)
  12. Renato Da Silva

    New Stock Arriving Soon

    No rush for me :P, i just need to pick up my buddies Pro starter kit.
  13. Renato Da Silva

    New Stock Arriving Soon

    CUSTOMS !!!
  14. Renato Da Silva

    E-cig Laws Around The World

    Actually I guess they can't cause they don't make that much money with us importing the stuff.
  15. Renato Da Silva

    E-cig Laws Around The World

    Don't these guys have something better to do. Like count their millions that they get from tax.