Recent content by VapingIt on Twitter

  1. VapingIt on Twitter

    Vaping Truth Survey - Voices. Advocacy. Truth.

    26 as of 2:25 US eastern standard time ! Here's an example - in the blog - of what I do with some of the info as it comes: Thank you all!!! Count is over 3,100! 51 Countries!
  2. VapingIt on Twitter

    Vaping Truth Survey - Voices. Advocacy. Truth.

    South Africa is now at 18! :-D
  3. VapingIt on Twitter

    Vaping Truth Survey - Voices. Advocacy. Truth.

    Very much appreciated! Absolutely will have a final analysis like the first one ( ) . Will mention this forum on the end of this one and I'll be listing this forum on my blog as well. You guys are awesome!
  4. VapingIt on Twitter

    Vaping Truth Survey - Voices. Advocacy. Truth.

    Thank you Alex, and ET.... guys, I thought this got deleted! I'm so happy it didn't. I happened to see the hit from the blog - I'll introduce myself - I'm Kevin - 2 years+ vaping - accidentally started, with a cigalike, quit smoking within 48 hours. Went to ego within a month - wife quit same...
  5. VapingIt on Twitter

    Vaping Truth Survey - Voices. Advocacy. Truth.

    New to this forum. I'm in Dayton, Ohio- USA. I'm also @VapingIt on Twitter. ( ) Please consider participating in The Vaping Truth Survey! The fIrst had 7,238 participants from 72 Countries. Among other things, was quoted in a Nicotine Symposium & submitted as...