Recent content by Wassimtg

  1. W

    Muted flavor on dead rabbit rta v2

    I have already used thz fused claptons... I'll try the nano alien and get back to u
  2. W

    Muted flavor on dead rabbit rta v2

    I have the V1 too and it works with all types of flavors perfectly even with a single coil setup... But with this one i cant get why there's no flavor
  3. W

    Muted flavor on dead rabbit rta v2

    Here is how i usually wick it....
  4. W

    Muted flavor on dead rabbit rta v2

    Hello guy, hope everyone is doing great. So i've just bought a dead rabbit v2 rta, and everytile i wick it i get the same result which is a muted flavor. Did anyone else have the same problem and if yes how did you solve this problem.