coil rebuild

  1. blujeenz

    Rebuilding the V8 disposable coil.

    Why when you can just buy another one? At R40 a pop, why not? :) This is the 1ohm coil for a Vap3 V8 type atomiser. It has a nice screen serving as anti spit back no doubt, it is also where to begin for the dissassembly, fairly tricky getting it to pop off. Stripped because soaking in...
  2. blujeenz

    Oval coil build on the mini Protank 3

    I happened to open up one of the oem dual horizontal coils on my Pt mini 3 and looking at the loose twisted silica fibers gave me the heeby jeebies. In my YouTube travels I came across Bill Bottoms and his oval coil rebuild... bottoms hahaha:rofl:...sorry minion humour. In short I now have a...