prebuilt coils

  1. Downtown Vapoury


    SITE LINK : Product Configurations: Tri Core Fused Clapton 10pcs : 3x26+38 N80 0.17 ohm 3x26+38 3mm 10pcs Alien Wires 10pcs : 3x28+36 N80 0.30 ohm 3x28+36 3mm 10pcs Alien Wire 5pcs ...
  2. Pho3niX90

    The Vape Den - Lightning Vapes Clapton wire & prebuilt coils

    So lightning vapes have decided to do their own prebuilt coils along with spools of wire. The official ETA is around 26th December, however it should be here next week by Friday if everything goes according to plan. See the collection here ->...
  3. 3

    Best Pre-Built Coils For Flavor And Vapor

    For beginners or veterans who does not have time to make their coils, 3Avape would like to recommend the Vapor Storm 8 in 1 Prebuilt Coil. Alien Clapton Coil Clapton Coil Mix Twisted Coil Quad Coil Hive Coil Tiger Coil Fused Clapton Coil Flat Twisted Coil