24g Kanthal

Natheer Mallick

Goofy Vaper
Cape Town
Good morning dudes and dudettes! So yesterday I went and bought myself an Atty V3, and some 24g kanthal. This morning I tried putting a build on it, but I'm used to using 30g so this was my first time using 24g. I managed to get it at 0.3 ohms, but I noticed that it was taking extremely long to fire up. So to be sure I want catching on nonsense, i put a new build on my Big Buddha using the 24g. Same thing. 0.6 ohms, but it takes a moerse long time to fire up. Is this normal? Or am I doing something wrong? Please help...
Thicker wire does take a bit longer to ramp up normally a sec or 2 before it starts glowing nicely.

Think of wire as a pipe. The thicker the pipe the less restrictive it is. The thin wire is more restrictive and builds up heat faster. The thick wire takes its time.

Hope that makes sense I'm only on my first cup of coffee.
Thicker wire requires more wraps to get the same ohms output than the thinner one, and sometimes a bigger ID. Best way is to use the "steamengine" calculator to get the correct ohm, watts, amps and heat coefficient (W/mm2), works great.
I've been using it. It's extremely helpful. I just couldn't understand why it was taking so long to heat up. Thanks though guys.i really appreciate the help
Nah it makes sense. @Marzuq, I think I'm gonna need to edit the Goofy Vape to 2 or 3 mouth to lung hits first lol

Lol still qualify as a goofy Vaper. With technique variation. Personally I prefer my 28g kanthal. Even when I twist two strands together it heats up faster than the 24g.
I use 24g 90% of the time, and honestly, it heats up instantly. Like no ramp up time or anything. The second I press the fire button, it shoots. I'm using a vanilla mod clone with a stillare, and an ipv2 with a other rda.