A&m: Auction Rules

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Please see here:


I have it in good mind to propose restrictions on Chop's conduct on the site.

This is the second time, in less than a week, that he has implemented a poorly thought out plan, that has caused dissatisfaction and mayhem for the members.

We either need a very clear, universal set of auction rules, ban auctions (or ban auctions by vendors) or we need a dedicated auction module that plugins in to Xenforo.
lol he flubbed that one a bit yes. comes from being keen to get something going and not dotting all the t's and crossing the i's. i do think it was more a genuine mistake on his part and he has now apologised. we should just monitor for now i think
Ok, I have calmed down a bit now.

Still very annoying when people don't think before they open their mouths.

I am thinking an auction module could be useful, if it is free.

Also, I see that Chop deleted the thread referenced in the first post above, and it is now completely obliterated.

I think Vendors should only have the power to remove a thread from view, not remove it completely
Ok, I have calmed down a bit now.

Still very annoying when people don't think before they open their mouths.

I am thinking an auction module could be useful, if it is free.

Also, I see that Chop deleted the thread referenced in the first post above, and it is now completely obliterated.

I think Vendors should only have the power to remove a thread from view, not remove it completely

1,000000% agree!

@Gizmo please can you have a look at the auction module when you get a chance.

Also please disallow permanent deletes from the vendor accounts.
Draft Auction Rules:

Seller Rules:

1. All posts for an auction must have the following information:

a) Name of item
b) Picture of actual item being auctioned
c) Condition of item
d) Starting Price of Auction
e) Minimum bid increment
f) The 'Buy Now' price (if seller wishes to have one applicable)
g) The reserve price (if applicable)
h) Seller's location
i) Shipping options and costs
j) Auction closing time and date.

If any of this information is missing the admins have the right to lock the thread and or close the auction.
2. Unless a 'Buy Now' price is set, the seller may not close the auction early, under any circumstances.
3. An offer to sell an item is a legal binding obligation to provide that item to the highest bidder in the thread. For that reason the seller must be aware that once the item has been posted to auction, and a bid has been received, the rules do not permit that person to withdraw the item from the sale.
4. Despite Rule 3 above, if the Buyer and the Seller can reach a mutual agreement to not conclude the deal, then the next highest bidder is allowed to purchase that item.
5. Any breach of these rules may result in the Ecigssa staff implementing disciplinary action against a member.
6. In the event of a dispute, the Ecigssa staff will be final arbiters and will make a determination to resolve that dispute.
7. If there is a reserve amount set, and for whatever reason the reserve is not met, the seller is under no obligation to sell that item.

Buyer Rules:
1. A bid is a legally binding obligation to purchase the item you have placed a bid for. If you have posted to that thread your are stating that you have the money and the intention of obtaining the item from the seller.
2. There are no limits on the amounts of bids you can make, however double posting is not permitted.
3. You cannot edit a bid once it is placed, edited replies will be disqualified. The admins have the ability to check previous revisions of posts, and as per rule 1, your original version of the post will be considered as final.
4. All new bids must be in a new reply, again no editing of posts is permitted.
5. Highest Bid wins the Auction
6. Auctions can at time be confusing to follow. In the event that there is a tie for the highest bid, the bid placed first according to time stamp on the post will determine the winner.
7. All bids must be in the following format, otherwise they will be considered invalid:
"Username had the previous bid at AMOUNT. I bid AMOUNT"
This format ensures that the winning bid is always the last post in the thread.
8. Joke bids, unrelated posts and bids that do not observe the minimum bid increment are not permitted in the thread. Any member making posts like this may be warned, and repeated offenders may have their accounts suspended.

All members are asked to respect the rules of the auction and avoid making posts that do not contribute towards the conclusion of the auction. For this reason posts with joking bids will be viewed in a serious light.
Your comments on the above please fellow staffers
Wow - Dev - these do look like a comprehensive set of rules!
I must admit I am not fully up to speed with auctions - I am not an auction type.
But your rules do look good

I fully understand why you are doing this, but my only concern is that why should we as admins who volunteer our time - be the "police" of other people's auctions - so they can sell their stuff? I worry that we will take too much time to arbitrate and/or police this. If it is the odd one here or there then that's fine, but otherwise if it gets too busy - at least Ecigssa should get something out of it.
I'm really happy with the auction rules... unless anyone else has an objection they need to be posted in a new forum called Auctions in the Private Market Section.
Wow - Dev - these do look like a comprehensive set of rules!
I must admit I am not fully up to speed with auctions - I am not an auction type.
But your rules do look good

I fully understand why you are doing this, but my only concern is that why should we as admins who volunteer our time - be the "police" of other people's auctions - so they can sell their stuff? I worry that we will take too much time to arbitrate and/or police this. If it is the odd one here or there then that's fine, but otherwise if it gets too busy - at least Ecigssa should get something out of it.

I think as staff the onus falls on us to set a structure and framework within which the members operate, obviously what I do for a living has a tendency to come through on the forum, and I am process and rules orientated for this sort of thing.

The auctions will be an odd thing here or there, but I think the rules will prevent a few problems that have occurred so far. By far the most annoying thing for me are all the joke bids. People increasing the bid by 50c and that sort of thing.

I will wait for @Matthee and @Gizmo to give their view on the rules, and then suggest we circulate for general discussion with the members.
I agree with the rules, however I cant see the initial post so I cannot compare.. what did he not do?
There was no information, he posted the wrong picture of the product, then he decided to remove half the goods from the auction because someone had sent him a PM with a ridiculous price, no closing time, no bid increments, no buy now options etc.

It is becoming urgent that Vendors are not allowed to permanently delete threads
What is posted in his own section? If so we cant stop him from deleting it then?
Yes it was in his own section.

None of us have any problem with him removing the post from public view, the concern is the permanent and irreversible deleting of posts. The post still needs to be viewable for staff, as things may be said or done, which are then destroyed by the vendor deleting something permanently.
Ok set moderator for Who Has stock section
Also do not know much about auctions, but those rules look fine to me for circulation for comments.
Giz, see screencap. There is no option to delete a post anymore. I am happy with that

@Gizmo, you fixed it!
You champion you!
Thanks, now the vendors can't escape the beady eyes of the admins and mods
Thanks for checking @devdev

And for taking the initiative on the auction rules!

The dream team is rocking
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