Aspire Mini Nautilus Leaking/Flooding


New Vaper
Centurion, Gauteng
Looking for some advice to prevent e-liquid buildup in my aMN.

Running the standard 1.8Ω BVC on an Eleaf iStick.

Feels like i am inhaling juice with some pulls, if that makes sense, every now and then i clean the tip and top hardware and it has traces of juice on it, sometimes quite alot.

So far i have used Vape King juices VK4/Berry Blaze (50/50) 12mg and Twisp juices 18mg with similar results.

What am I doing wrong? Would suck if is this something I have to live with ;(

In the early stages of my vaping journey I almost exclusively used the Nautilus tanks for everyday vaping. I became so frustrated with the type of thing you have explained that I nearly went back to stinkies but thanks to the good guidance on this forum I was introduced to BF and RDA's. I have stripped and cleaned so many Nautilus tanks I think I could do it blind folded. Unfortunately in my experience once you start having problems with them they just snowball and the whole experience can get rather frustrating regardless if it is an authentic aspire product or a clone, the clones just seem to happen sooner.
It may or may not help but I will share what I learnt:
Use higher VG juices for the reasons mentioned above and also because higher PG juices tend to soften the rubber seals and it becomes easy to pinch the rubber when tightening. Check to see if there is no damage to the seal, if there is throw the base away, I hunted high and low for spare seals and never had any joy
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Secondly after a bit of use with regular stress from loosening and tightening the tank to fill and clean the machine pressed fitting do come loose. There is no O-ring on the connection shown below and after time all the tanks I have had this does become loose and could become responsible for small amounts of juice getting into the chimney. Some may not agree but I used a very small amount of Vaseline to improve the seal on this connection and it worked for me.
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Also the very same chimney is a 2 piece press fitted chimney (god alone knows why). Fortunately this fitting does have a silicone )-ring to prevent any leaking but again with time and the constant stress from tightening and loosening this O-ring can wear. I used a very small amount of marine silicone to ensure this seal was 100%
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I hope the above helps a little. Gurgling tanks are the pits and I am sure the cause of many to give up their journey. Persevere, experiment and follow these forums as there is heaps of information and lots of experienced vapers only to happy to assist.
Robert, thanks for the detailed reply! Will keep trying but might be looking at another tank soon!
to be honest, with my experience on the mini nautilus (authentic) it leaked a bit and only once, on the instructions and all the reviews they recommend you fasten the coil by hand, this was an issue for me, when you do that it is as if the rubber seal at the bottom of the coil does not get fasten tight enough and it does not seal as intended.. I have since the one time it happened fastened mine with long nose pliers, careful not to bend it out of shape... This works like a charm for me, never had it leaking again...

The nautilus is in my opinion one of the best tank atomisers you will find.. absolutely love it, especially with BVC (Bottom Vertical Coil) coil, dont get BDC (Bottom Dual Coil) coils if you ever run out!! the BVC coils are better :)

Hope you get is sorted man :) enjoy vaping :)
to be honest, with my experience on the mini nautilus (authentic) it leaked a bit and only once, on the instructions and all the reviews they recommend you fasten the coil by hand, this was an issue for me, when you do that it is as if the rubber seal at the bottom of the coil does not get fasten tight enough and it does not seal as intended.. I have since the one time it happened fastened mine with long nose pliers, careful not to bend it out of shape... This works like a charm for me, never had it leaking again...
I suspected this as the chimney is always full of liquid when i remove the coil. Will try your suggestion.

Only issue I have is to open this thing when it sits tight, real pita to unscrew.