Geekvape Zeus Dual vs OBS Engine Review

@kev mac I did the test. I used a 7 wrap 22g Ni80 on a 3mm ID in both RTA's. The juice I have in both is a Savoury type of flavor which has sweet elements as well as savoury notes and creams.

I gave it to 3 other people to test it out. These people have not used either of these RTA's before.

This is my experience:
On the Engine Dual - I get more of the sweet notes with light creams and a very subtle savoury note. This doesn't taste bad at all. If you've never used the juice in an RDA or other setups, you'll say it tastes great in this RTA.

In the Engine, the strongest note was the Sweetness followed by creams and a faint Savoury note. This was by no means terrible flavor. In fact, if I didn't have the Zeus I would've been perfectly happy with this flavor.

On the Zeus Dual - I get a more 'balanced' flavor. Its not as sweet as the flavor I've got from the Engine. Instead here it tastes less sweet, followed by creams and the savoury note. With this RTA the savoury note stands out a bit more than it does on the Engine.

Overall, I would say that the Engine mutes/tones down some notes. Sometimes this may be to your advantage or disadvantage depending on the flavor you're using.

As for which one I liked more, I would say I liked the flavor from the Zeus Dual a bit more mainly because I could taste more of the creams and savoury notes.

Looking at ease of use, I'd say I enjoyed building on the Zeus Dual more because of its post less style deck. The velocity style deck on the Engine is not difficult to build but I prefer post less nowadays because velocity style decks do have their cons (coils don't sit perfectly. The legs move). For wicking, I find the Engine easier to wick compared to the Zeus Dual. The Zeus is easy to wick but like I stated in my review, wicking it correctly takes a few attempts.

This is what my 3 other testers had to say:

Person 1 Said he preferred the Zeus Dual because flavor was better and the draw was nicer.

Person 2 Said he likes the sweeter flavor the Engine was giving and found flavor to be similar.

Person 3 said he gets a more 'bold' flavor from the Zeus Dual but likes both RTA's.

Excellent feedback @daniel craig !