January 2015 - What's arriving at Sir Vape

Sir Vape

Owner of Sir Vape
Supporting Vendor
Hey guys

Just a heads up on what is arriving in Jan 2015. We will update you as products land and when they will be uploaded to our website. (Please note that some products arriving have been pre-ordered and sold)

20 Jan 2015 (ARRIVED)

Sigelei 150watt Black (Pre-order Sold)
Ipv Mini (Pre-order Sold)

The first pre-order on the Sigelei 150w was a major hit and we are taking in pre-orders for our second batch. If you are interested, please email us on info@sirvape.co.za

These units are at the Sir Vape price of R1450 and come with a free silicone sleeve.

21 Jan 2015 (ARRIVED)

iStick 30watt
Eleaf GS Air
Kayfun v4 (Ehpro)
Aqua V2 (Ehpro)

22 Jan 2015 (ARRIVED)

eGo One
Lemo Drop Black and S/S

23 Jan 2015 (ARRIVED)
Japanese Cotton
Kanger Subtank
Kanger Subtank Coils

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Lol, i clicked on this thread but there is nothing to buy @Sir Vape
All sold

Ha ha
Correct items arriving today/tomorrow were all pre-orders mate that were up on the forum and website last week. There were a number of extra units of the sigelei and ipv mini but have already been booked and paid for :)

We have other stock arriving tom or thurs that will be up on the site this week :)
Sigelei 150w and Mini IPV are here and we will send all orders out for overnight delivery first thing tomorrow ;)

Boy is the 150w a killer looking mod :)
Sigelei 150w and Mini IPV are here and we will send all orders out for overnight delivery first thing tomorrow ;)

Boy is the 150w a killer looking mod :)

Craig please shake one and see if the button rattles? If it doesn't do you have any stock?
Shook didn't hear a rattle. All sold Rob. Sorry bro
List has been updated in first post :)