Nic-Vape (E Flavors) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer


The SteamCrave Guy
Not going to be able to even come CLOSE to what @JOJO has already done here, but have a few SF flavor tests steeping now.

**Old Fashioned Donut (NicVape E-Flavors) 4% (11-11-18)** -- Having had not great luck with Donut flavors in the past, wasn't sure what was in store for my FIST NicVapes flavor out of the gate. I always seem to get PlayDoh from CAP's for some reason, BUT, that was a non issue here. @ 4% this one was very tasty, strong, and even. Although it didn't convey a yeasty-ness it still managed to convey a nice donut profile. The main notes are bakery, some sweet, and some subdued cinnamon. Actually finishing OFF the tester bottle, so that says something about it. This could be an ADV all by itself, as it's just complex enough to keep you coming back, as a solo. Bakery, cinnamon, little sweet, not sure what else needs to be said. If you're looking for a yeasty donut, this isn't it. I can see this easily used, and manipulated in many bakery mixes. Considering how low the bar is for donuts (that I've tried) this one easily shot to the top. I do think it could use a little more of a yeast component to push it that last 10% into the strong donut camp. As is however, easy **9/10**.

**Honey Crisp Cereal (NicVape E-Flavors) 4% (11-11-18)** -- I'm not 100% about who's notes I saw on NV, maybe @JOJO's, but she nailed this flavor. I never bother to test fresh mixed, and always steep, as I had seen some comments regarding this one freshly mixed not working so good. After 2+ weeks however, this one is a CRAZY good flavor. Now I don't remember any Honey Crisp cereal, but I do remember a Honey Comb cereal, and this is pretty damned close to it. Don't let the "Honey" in the name put you off (there are some God awful honeys out there), as it is perfect in this mix. Somewhat sweet with honey "elements" but NOT a in your face honey. Plenty of grainy cereal that takes over on the inhale, with a delicate, yet very present honey/sweet finish. This was an interestingly different flavor for me, have not had anything like it yet, so working on the 2nd tank now. There are some buttery elements, but not butter per se. Overall, it's just about as close to a Honeycomb cereal as you can get IMO. VERY tasty @ 4%, above average sweet, but not cloying or sickly so. If you are looking for a "Honeycomb" cereal type flavor great grains and some sweet, this will do it. **9.2/10**.
