Scientific or not

Ok, an update from testing today.

Reo and cyclone atty. Coiled with SS 26g 2.5mm ID 7 wraps at about 0.5 ohm and the battery lasted perfectly for a full bottle of juice with an LG turd.

Tomorrows testing is with Nichrome. I didn't really enjoy the sizzle and taste on SS today.
So chuffed my spec was replicated perfectly. This is science!
Currently using a 1.7 ohm, 2.5mm ID ribbon kanthal single coil.
At my calculations I'll be at 4v after 6ml :D
0.5 or 0.4 ribbon, and how many wraps?\
I am really keen to try it, as long as it gives me a nice warm vape.
6 or 7 wraps got me 1.7 ohms.
Not a warm vape at all I'm afraid.
I'll perhaps do a twisted ribbon kanthal when I get a moment and report back.