Subtank 0.5ohm coil / IPV2 50 watt / Efest purple 3100mah 20A


Dedicated Vaper
Hello forum,

I have just bought the Subtank and using it on my IPV2 with purple Efest 3100mah 20A batteries. I have had no issues and the box is not warming up.

I just wanted your opinions on whether this combo is safe or if there's anything I should be worried about?

I also tried this combo with the Atlantis and took it to 50 watts with no problem.
Sure, until the electronics go faulty on you. Personally, I prefer double insurance if possible.
Yeah I hear you but look at it this way. Electronics going faulty won't ever cause a hard short to the battery,copper traces, Diodes, ICs etc will burn up before causing a short in a battery long enough to cause venting.

I suppose that you had had safety knocked into your skull being a Reo user and all. Tell me do you run a safety fuse on any of your mechs?.
Yeah I hear you but look at it this way. Electronics going faulty won't ever cause a hard short to the battery,copper traces, Diodes, ICs etc will burn up before causing a short in a battery long enough to cause venting.

I suppose that you had had safety knocked into your skull being a Reo user and all. Tell me do you run a safety fuse on any of your mechs?.
The Reo has a collapsible spring. And, yes, I am careful too;). I do not want anyting burning up in my pocket.
Haha look at the rich guy.

I would love to as well but I have just put my twins in school so budget is really limping along.
Nope, nothing to do with do not want my negative balance, just my preference, or OCD if you prefer. BTW, my smurfs were just below R100 each....Score!