I will do this review in two parts. First the KUI mod and then the KUI atty.
After months waiting we have the KUI in hand, and I must say for a first run, cheap bottom feed mod SCANS did a great job. Yes there is small things, like I will show you, that need to be looked at but I am happy with the mod.
With a patent over the Reo SCANS could not do a clone let alone a 1:1 clone so they made an original mod modelled on the Reo. There is similarities, improvements and areas were they failed. Again I will show you
Looking at the KUI, the finish in gloss black is a fingerprint magnet. There is no chips or nicks. The door is held by three magnets and the one I have close with a nice snap, when it is new it will take a day or so before it is nice and warn in. The hole in the door is nice and big and even my big thumb fits.

Moving to the top
We get the 510 connection and the fire button
On the 510 connection side. The razed section is round and a 22mm RDA fits nice without overhang and this is the first fail of the KUI, every RDA I screw on there does not sit flush with the 510. There is always that 1mm – 1.5mm gap between the RDA and the 510, but on the otherhand I never had a leak from there as well
Looking at the button.

A big drawback for me was the button. At first I used the button as is, it is very flimsy and feel cheap. Then I screwed the locking ring just over half way out and now the button feels better and you don’t have to screw the lock ring out so much for the KUI to lock.

The biggest fail for me is the bottles. They are very soft but the threading on the lid is not nice so you have to force the bottle to screw in, and with the bottle being so soft, you will not have any juice left in the bottle when you get the bottle in. I used a small square bottle I got from @johan a while ago and it works very well. I use no o-ring with it but it seals very good and it is nice and soft so you can squonk to hearts content.
Looking at the inside
A little derin cover, cover the inner parts of the KUI but with the screw holding it is sitting on the side, when you press the fire button the delrin tends to move on the button side. Not a hassle but something to look at.

Removing the delrin we see a very familiar sight.
The button push the fire pin, that makes connection with the battery, that in turn gives power to the 510 into you BF RDA and you blow a cloud.

In my opinion this is where SCANS made the improvement. Inside the delrin cover they have a copper plate. So the button push the fire pin not directly onto the battery but onto the plate, that is connected to your battery. So no more ark marks on your battery

In my opinion the KUI is a win. For a first run, sub R500 BF mod you can expect little things that will go wrong. But all these things are small enough that you can fix by yourself. I am sure with the next run SCANS will have a better 510 that sits flush, sorted the bottles and then you have a great mod for entering the BF world.
I have no doubt in my mind that the KUI will become the poor mans Reo
Update on the bottles:
Seem like the cap and the bottle dont have the same pitch. I tried a Reo bottle cap and it works perfect

This is the big bottle used with the black o-ring included with the KUI. As you can see a nice air tight fit
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