Favorite flavor / Flavor combinations!


Im the real boss
Supporting Vendor
Fourways, South Africa
Hey Guys

So keen to hear what your favorite flavor or flavor combinations are?

Do you mix and match - if so what has been the most amazing tasting concoction you have made?

I recently tried a blend of blueberry, triple berry and 3 drops of bubblegum and wowee it was delicious!!

What combinations would you recommend I try next? :cool:
Did some Grape and cherry and it ended up tasting exactly like chappies bubblegum

EDIT: it was health cabin flavours and it was 5% Cherry and 10% Grape
Cherry Ambrosia:
10% White Chocolate
4% Vanilla
2% Cherry

Tasted like Super-C's
got some flavours this morning, doing some research on how much to mix with the pg and nic juice right now :)
Never tried pear, what's it like. I assume you mixing your own with the nicotine etc?
the pear smells very nice, not overwhelming on the senses. still have to pop out to dischem tomorrow to get me some pg from the dispensary before i can start mixing. the mint is also very nice, the vanilla and choc are potent as heck smelling, heck the chocolate reminds me of nachtmusik, smells very much like it
that's very cool! Tell him to come onto the forum to market his products, I will create and affiliate link and own sub forum :)
I also just got some flavours from Benji in Cape Town and its awesome!!
my favourite mix now is peaches and cream.
Im just waitng for my passionfruit to develop before I try that :)

I wish he had more flavours though - I would rather buy from someone in South Africa than anywhere else.
knew i should have gotten the cream flavouring. just mixed up my first test batch of vanilla and bunged it in the vivi nova. not too bad, plenty of vapour but there's a slight burnt taste in there that i hope is just me messing around with the coil. also just read you have to maybe let the juice sit for a bit before you vape it?
Yeah, read up a bit about the DIY - some flavours take 30 days to develop nicely - unfortunately for me, coz if I mix one today I wanna try it NOW lol
The cream is great, specially with the caramel flavour, it takes away the taste of burnt sugar :) you should order that too next time.
please tell me that tastes close to wilsons cream caramels, those yummy sweets that come in the cardboard little boxes :)
I also just got some flavours from Benji in Cape Town and its awesome!!
my favourite mix now is peaches and cream.
Im just waitng for my passionfruit to develop before I try that :)

I wish he had more flavours though - I would rather buy from someone in South Africa than anywhere else.

Yeah, read up a bit about the DIY - some flavours take 30 days to develop nicely - unfortunately for me, coz if I mix one today I wanna try it NOW lol
The cream is great, specially with the caramel flavour, it takes away the taste of burnt sugar :) you should order that too next time.
cream and banana is not that bad either. come over for a taste!
I'm still trying to effectively capture angostura bitters, and west indian orange bitters in a vape. no idea where to start.
Where do you get your nicotine from?
I've got an order for 100mg/ml inbound from stormyvaporcellar.com. this is 60ml.
nect will be from hc in Canada, but will be the 115ml bottle. hold thumbs customs leaves it alone!
Wow how much did that cost? And the risk factor of putting too much nicotine in your mix? Maybe I'm a bit silly but I would be scared to mix my own.