Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!


Flavour and throat hit seeker
Staff member
Hi all

This thread is for you to share your stinky-free milestone, be it 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 6 months or a year. For those of you that have reached anniversary level, you are champions!

Announce your milestone and then share something with the rest of us.

I will kick it off

Today is my 6 month milestone.

6 months ago (28 Oct 13) I had my last stinky. I never thought it would be this easy or fun to be off stinkies. It's been one helluva interesting journey and I can't imagine going through it without this forum and many of its fantastic members.

I do feel better health-wise being off the stinkies. My chest is not as tight when I breathe in deep and I don't wheeze anymore. I also don't have that burning sensation in my mouth and on my lips when I wake up in the morning. I have no regrets. 1 year here I come...

Congrats @Silver. Will have to calculate quickly what I'm on.
Since getting my mvp back (had stinkies while a new one was sent) it's been 2 weeks and 4 days.

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Congrats Hi Ho! I know exactly how you feel! I will never smoke again ever! I need to actually work out the very day I stopped stinkies altogether!
Congratulations @Silver - long way still for me to go, 3 days short of halfway to my first milestone.
Well done silver! A true dedicated vaper we have here.. Been great watching you grow with us.. From Twisp to drippers and the deadly kayfun :p
Hi All, and congratulations on your Milestones :party:

4 weeks for me today and happy.:) My morning cough cleared up after week one already and my energy
levels are up.8--) My nose is clear for the first time in years. Only negatives I experienced so far is dry skin and dry tongue in the mornings and a empty wallet after all the toys I had to spoil myself with after each milestone :D.
Day one- Twisp. Day 3- Evic and Protank. Week one- Vision Spinner and Protank as back-up and Nautilus for the Evic. Week 4- Innokin iTaste 134 :rock: oh and another Vision Spinner and Protank 2 for another back-up and run around just in case :-D. One can never be to careful you know? :think: Now for more juice :blush:
Going cycling after brekkie :hi:. puff puff
Thank you all for the congratulatory messages - it means a lot.
You are all amazing.
Hi All, and congratulations on your Milestones :party:

4 weeks for me today and happy.:) My morning cough cleared up after week one already and my energy
levels are up.8--) My nose is clear for the first time in years. Only negatives I experienced so far is dry skin and dry tongue in the mornings and a empty wallet after all the toys I had to spoil myself with after each milestone :D.
Day one- Twisp. Day 3- Evic and Protank. Week one- Vision Spinner and Protank as back-up and Nautilus for the Evic. Week 4- Innokin iTaste 134 :rock: oh and another Vision Spinner and Protank 2 for another back-up and run around just in case :-D. One can never be to careful you know? :think: Now for more juice :blush:
Going cycling after brekkie :hi:. puff puff

Well done @vapegerm - that is a great milestone to have reached.
And I think your approach of being well prepared is paying off!
Well, let me share mine, still a few days before the actual milestone, but there is no doubt that I will reach it.

2/1/2014 was my last stinkie day, so vapeing milestone 3/5/2014 will be 4 months for me. And that from a 32 year unhealthy habit @ 35 - 40 a day in the last few years, to pure bliss vapeing.

Can not say that it has saved me any dosh yet, but hell I am having fun with all the toy's
Congrats also from me! I am heading very fast to my 6 month milestone, as we both started at around the same time and we both started more or less at the same time in this forum!
My feeling about this is identical... I also never thought that it could be so easy to get off the stinkies, after so many years. It has been a breeze. And I never again had the whistle in my chest that kept me from falling asleep :D
yup this trip is sure amazing , just passed my 4 months milestone .
Congrats @Wayne - that is great - glad you having fun with all the toys.

Yes @Tom, you and I started at about the same time. How much fun we have had indeed. To think you are now experiencing really great original equipment in Germany - from humble beginnings on that IGO-L, or was it the IGO-W from VapeSA ;-)

Congrats @Rowan Francis - also can't believe your beginnings - stretching out that $35 Twisp juice in Zim and using a repaired Ego battery... Talk about survival! And look where you are now - Dremels and all... ;-) LOL