Great work @thumptrump! Remixing a juice can be an onerous, and sometimes frustrating, task. Bad news is that the obsession does not go away - you SHALL be tweaking it again some time in the future!VapeMOB Papa Smurf Clone (not 100% IMO, but close)
I've tried to recreate this juice since I've started vaping. To be honest it's the juice that got me hooked on vaping. Now I've spent tons of time, money and effort in researching and creating all clone possible recipes, so much that I started to dislike it completely and gave up.Buying bucket loads of commercial juice was not an option when I started and immediately jumped into the DIY game. I'm certain that a lot of people in this community had a similar experience and is still looking for an answer.
My last order of supplies was sourced from Black Vapour's awesome Black Friday sale and one of the items ordered was on my watchlist for a long time. HS Blueberry... Initially, when I started to clone Papa Smurf the DIY scene wasn't nearly as resourceful as it is today. After a lot of research, trial and error I've found that Papa Smurf is somehow related to the Space Jam Andromeda juice. Anyway, I got my hands on a few clone recipes ( - this was one of them) and mixed it up, tweaked the recipe more and more, only to find that there is still something missing. How I got to the conclusion of it being based on this recipe is beyond forgotten. I've forgotten most of what I've found during each research attempt, but some concentrates stuck with me, HS Blueberry was one of them. I've never ordered it but had it on my wishlist until the right opportunity presented itself (Black Vapour Black Friday sale FTW). When I received the HS Blueberry from my last order and opened it I immediately knew that this was the missing link.
I wanted to give it a go for the last time (sigh...) with hopes of it solving my past unnecessary obsessions and curiosity of recreating something even remotely similar to VapeMOB's Papa Smurf.
So... the recipe:
6-8% HS Blueberry
3% TFA Pomegranate
2% TFA Acai
4% TFA Vanillin
Give it at least 3 days rest.
After mixing up two varieties of this recipe I've finally found something I'm satisfied with. All my previous attempts weren't nearly as successful as this. I could finally put that lingering obsession to rest.I noticed that the original VapeMOB Papa Smurf had this really yellow colour to it. Some of my earlier attempts even turned out purple (I'm looking at you LA Blueberry!). I say 6-8% HS Blueberry because at 6% it didn't have that in your face Papa Smurf colour and wasn't nearly as yellow as the original. I mixed up another bottle and turned the blueberry up to 8%. It was by then yellow enough. Even with a 5% recommended solo mix of HS Blueberry at 8% you get that "aah.. f*ck.. how am I getting this out of my tank" that you love from the original.
So if you've had the same journey I encourage you to try this recipe so that you too can be released from the obsession. I'm not saying this is 100% identical, and it's certainly not, but it was my remedy. Sorry for this long post but I felt that I had to share the experience. In my opinion, Papa Smurf was an attempt at cloning Space Jam Andromeda with replacing the original TFA Blueberry Extra with HS Blueberry, but that's my thoughts.Let me know what you guys think.
- As a side note, I also want to thank the team at Black Vapour. They really have good service, after a mixup with my order I sent them an email. Almost as soon as I hit send they immediately replied with a solution. Also thanks to @DanielSLP for the Berry Blendz recipe, it really assured me that I was on the right path!