Hi all, so I decided to try my own fused claptons using 28 and 40ga Ni 80. First attempt a bit of a disaster. The only swivels I had were the normal and a power swivel and although I had read that you must use ball bearing ones I thought how bad can it be if I take it nice and slow.

And the result after the swivels did not play nice and I changed to a twisted coil.

I looked around and had a few small bearings 13mm od and 4mm id, soaked it in a bit of alcohol for a minute to just free up a little and this is what I came up with.

Cut the handle of a small paint brush drilled a 1,5mm hole in end to turn the cup hook into and another in other end to thread wire but will only use cup hook in future and you could hook your snap onto it. The bearing costs about R16 and you could get a length of 4mm dowel for a couple of rand. This really works well and spinning at high speed shows no sign of snagging, runs smooth.
The result still not perfect but no fault of the bearing as it was my second attempt. Am going to get some 26 and 36ga wire to practice with, will hopefully see better. Do you think I can use that coil or rather scrap it.

And the result after the swivels did not play nice and I changed to a twisted coil.

I looked around and had a few small bearings 13mm od and 4mm id, soaked it in a bit of alcohol for a minute to just free up a little and this is what I came up with.

Cut the handle of a small paint brush drilled a 1,5mm hole in end to turn the cup hook into and another in other end to thread wire but will only use cup hook in future and you could hook your snap onto it. The bearing costs about R16 and you could get a length of 4mm dowel for a couple of rand. This really works well and spinning at high speed shows no sign of snagging, runs smooth.
The result still not perfect but no fault of the bearing as it was my second attempt. Am going to get some 26 and 36ga wire to practice with, will hopefully see better. Do you think I can use that coil or rather scrap it.