Whats a good RTA in 2021


Experienced Vaper
Im looking to buy a new rta but theres so much choice cant decide.

Im looking at the kylin mini v2 & destiny as I prefer single coil but also considering the zeus x & arbiter.

I also prefer a restriction but not over tight.

If anyone owns any of these let me know what the cons are & your opinion.
After years of missing out, the Reload RTA is the best and only RTA you'll ever need.

Got mine last month and it's impressed me like no other. Spend the extra money and never have to buy another RTA again.
Only problem I have with the Reload is that it's a bottom airflow. After years of chasing the latest and greatest bottom airflow I gave up totally on them, they always end up leaking at some stage if the wicking is just a tad off, and sweating on the mod. There are such great top airflow leakproof tanks with great flavour these days that I cannot see the gain in battling with another bottom airflow, no matter the latest hype.

The Kylin mini V2 is great, got one recently and bought a second one.
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I had the same mindset that top airflow was superior. I was happy to give up flavour for convenience.

What I can also say is that the only time my Dvarws have ever leaked was when they got left in a baking hot car for a couple hours. I've never watched a build tutorial either. I just build the way that makes sense to me.

Just my 2c. I don't have any recommendations for you because even though I love my dvarws I absolutely hate rebuilding (not rewicking) them.
I was happy to give up flavour for convenience.

I doubt that a bottom airflow gives better flavour than the top airflows today. Seriously. I've owned a boatload of bottom airflows, MTL, DTL you name it.

It's a subjective assessment so prone to psychological impact, just like the great R250 vs R25 coil debate.
Single coil - Druga RTA (one of the best to come out in the last year and I have owned most of them including the Kylin Mini V2)
Dual Coil - Violator from QP, Aromamizer V3 Supreme (with the dual deck). Have not tried the Arbiter but heard very good things.
I doubt that a bottom airflow gives better flavour than the top airflows today. Seriously. I've owned a boatload of bottom airflows, MTL, DTL you name it.

It's a subjective assessment so prone to psychological impact, just like the great R250 vs R25 coil debate.
Those who think that haven't tried the intake!
I had the same mindset that top airflow was superior. I was happy to give up flavour for convenience.

What I can also say is that the only time my Dvarws have ever leaked was when they got left in a baking hot car for a couple hours. I've never watched a build tutorial either. I just build the way that makes sense to me.

Just my 2c. I don't have any recommendations for you because even though I love my dvarws I absolutely hate rebuilding (not rewicking) them.

I was impressed with my Kylin M and was about to pull the trigger on a Kylin V2 Mini, until purchased my Destiny RTA, sweating and leaking concerns (although it hasn't leaked once so far) go out the window when you realize what flavour you get out of it.

I (for some odd reason) cannot get the best out of my DVARW, I know someday I'll try again but I just can't get it right.

In short; bottom airflow FTW!
Those who think that haven't tried the intake!
Yea, got meself an Intake Dual as well, still a toss up for me re flavour between the Kylin and the Intake. Bear in mind I develop these flavours and they get tested extensively on (amongst other things) a variety of dual coil drippers, so I know them intimately.

All that said, for tobaccos I still prefer my OBS Nano's, they give me a slightly drier, but still flavourful, vape which is exactly what I'm looking for in tobaccos.
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I have over 50 tanks and I find myself subconsciously favoring my Rebirth by 20210212_102428.jpg Mikevapes and Hellvape.. it's a practical tank, easy to build.. big post holes for monsters coils, mesh intakes for even air distribution the glass is incredibly strong, I've dropped it a good couple of times.. and it's affordable
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After years of missing out, the Reload RTA is the best and only RTA you'll ever need.

Got mine last month and it's impressed me like no other. Spend the extra money and never have to buy another RTA again.
I have never used one so not my opinion but the opinion of a lot of vapers who have used both say the Arbiter is better!
Only problem I have with the Reload is that it's a bottom airflow. After years of chasing the latest and greatest bottom airflow I gave up totally on them, they always end up leaking at some stage if the wicking is just a tad off, and sweating on the mod. There are such great top airflow leakproof tanks with great flavour these days that I cannot see the gain in battling with another bottom airflow, no matter the latest hype.

The Kylin mini V2 is great, got one recently and bought a second one.

Here's a bargain https://thevapejuicebar.co.za/products/vandy-vape-kylin-mini-2?variant=37912178950319
Although my reload holds a special place for me...I agree fully with @YeOldeOke . When in a rush I dread wicking fussy bottom airflow rtas like the reload. Might not be too fussy on the leaking bit but tad off and flavour is impacted in some way as well. No matter how perfect the reload wick is...natural sweating or condensation does build on the mod. But I still would never sell my reload. Top airflow rtas are just getting better n better.
I do prefer top airflow, leaking is just annoying especially when you're out the house.
I bought a blotto over a year ago I hate that tank lol, always leaked.

I guess Ill be looking at the arbiter or kylin mini v2 or intake dual.
The Arbiter It's a 28mm RTA.. not all mods will accommodate it
I was simply sharing the feedback i have received that a lot compare the two in direct competition and tend to favour the Arbiter, not my opinion because i haven't used both and correct the Arbiter immediately tapers out to 28mm but at it's base is 26.5mm!
Im looking to buy a new rta but theres so much choice cant decide.

Im looking at the kylin mini v2 & destiny as I prefer single coil but also considering the zeus x & arbiter.

I also prefer a restriction but not over tight.

If anyone owns any of these let me know what the cons are & your opinion.
you prefer restriction but not over tight? sounds like the augvape intake mtl will suit you.