Alien Visions E-juice In Sa ! (bobas Bounty)


Juicy Joes Owner
Supporting Vendor
Vape town, W Cape

Those of you that have been vaping for a while, especially if you've been on international forums, must of heard of Bobas Bounty. It had a cult type following in the USA for a long time.

After trying bobas bounty, I was hooked... it has a totally unique flavour. Many have tried to describe it but it tastes different for everyone. A unique tobacco flavour with something else that can only be described as awesome. Their unique tobacco flavour is consistent with most of their tobacco products.
What I do know is that it gets better the more you vape it. If you like it off the bat (not everyone does) then its got you by the short and curlies! I for one liked it straight away, I now crave it every few days. For those of you who are not bowled over at first, finish the tank and then decide.

Juicy Joes has secured distribution rights for all of Alien Visions Juices, we have however decided to start off with only 3 of their juices. We will be expanding the options in time but are bringing you our 3 favourites to start off with.

Bobas Bounty
A smooth and mysterious tobacco blend with just the right hint of sweet.

Gorilla Juice
All the wonderful flavour of Boba’s Bounty with a hint of Banana!

Blend 4
Alien Visions take on the classic RY4 formula (strong tobacco with subtle sweet hints.)

Our predicted pricing is as follows: Please note that these prices are dependant on our friends at Cu$toms playing fair.
18ml - R160
30ml - R260
100ml - R800

At this stage I dont want to give an arrival date so as not to create dissapointment (anything can happen), I am however expecting it to land around the 16th of August.

You are more than welcome to place your selections in this thread and I will try to honour (first come first serve) the orders so long as stocks allow.
30ml 6mg Bobas Bounty please

Sent from my S4 LTE using my finger
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Hi @ShaneW

In your experience, what is the best power range for Bobas Bounty?
Hi @ShaneW

In your experience, what is the best power range for Bobas Bounty?

In my Kayfun/mech I found it best at 1ohm (Around 16W) but it also tastes really good in an Evod/Protank at around 8W. There are a few capetonians that swear by the Evod and reckon Evod is the only way to try Bobas, personally I like the Kayfun.
The taste changes as you go lower in ohms but since taste is so subjective, perhaps you might prefer it lower or higher.

Bobas is a very strange juice in terms of flavour explanation... It really does taste different to everyone. I think its mainly because the flavour is so unique, everyone has their own interpretation. I've heard so many different interpretations none of which I can relate to. I describe it as a honey tobacco, but most people cant taste honey at allo_O you have to try it for yourself.
Hi @ShaneW

What nice strengths will be available?

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Hi Mike

Initially (limited quantities) we will have 18mg and 6mg(Bobas only). The bulk of our order will be 12mg though. With the next order we will be including any requests and historical orders. In other words, if 0mg is requested, it will be included in the next order.

We know that 12mg makes up the bulk of any order so this is taken care of.
Hi Mike

Initially (limited quantities) we will have 18mg and 6mg(Bobas only). The bulk of our order will be 12mg though. With the next order we will be including any requests and historical orders. In other words, if 0mg is requested, it will be included in the next order.

We know that 12mg makes up the bulk of any order so this is taken care of.
Hi can u please me put me down for 100ml bob as 6mg
100ml blend 4 6mg if u have
I guess i better jump on the wagon ;)
Put me down for 30ml boba at 12mg please :)
Hey @ShaneW

Please put me down for 100ml Bobas 6mg

Can you put me down for a 18ml Bobas 18mg please :)

Also would it be possible for us Capetonians to do a bulk shipping again? Bhavz if you don't mind, if it's possible, i'll come and collect from you again, then we can save a bit on the shipping? :rock:
@Metal Liz are you dripping 18mg ?
Lol this makes chop laugh at me because I go white like a sheet with 18MG :D
hahaha yeah, i still very much like my 18mg juices and find that it helps a lot to keep the craving (that still peeks it head out every now and again, even after over 4 months) at bay :) I do have 9mg and 12mg juices aswell, but i like my 18mgs... I'm setting myself a benchmark to go down to 12mg completely when i hit my 6 months benchmark :rock:
Can you put me down for a 18ml Bobas 18mg please :)

Also would it be possible for us Capetonians to do a bulk shipping again? Bhavz if you don't mind, if it's possible, i'll come and collect from you again, then we can save a bit on the shipping? :rock:

Sure we can do bulk shipping if @ShaneW is cool with it.

Once the order goes through I will provide him with my shipping details
Thanks for all the orders guys, appreciate it.
Got great news for the CT guys... You won't be paying shipping as I will have a local representative there. Will explain closer to the time.
I'll take 18ml of bobas 0mg on your next batch
Edit make it a 30ml please
Thanks for all the orders guys, appreciate it.
Got great news for the CT guys... You won't be paying shipping as I will have a local representative there. Will explain closer to the time.
and what about us durban boys @ShaneW