Recent content by Damian7

  1. Damian7

    JUICE FOR A YEAR!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday Wiener Vape Co
  2. Damian7

    Wanted: Avo24

    I've got a black Avo24 clone +-1month old for R250
  3. Damian7

    Various mods and tanks for sale (SOLD)

    Intetested in the Minikin contact number please
  4. Damian7

    Asmodus Minikin 1.5 + Batts

    Contact number please
  5. Damian7

    Juice and gear clearance sale

    Contact Number please
  6. Damian7

    Introduce Yourselves:

    @shaunnadan thanks! Will give that build a try sometime.
  7. Damian7

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Any other good build suggestions for the avo maybe?
  8. Damian7

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Thanx bud, enjoying the Minikin,lol I currently have some alien wire (0.3*0.8 +32g) 7wrap 0.22 ohm in the Avo
  9. Damian7

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hey Everyone I'm Damian, i was a hardcore hubbly smoker until i started vaping about 2months ago and never looked back at a hubbly ever since, to amazed by the amount of flavor and clouds. I started off with a Pico starter kit, soon i developed a interest in wanting to do my own builds and got...