Recent content by GerrieP

  1. GerrieP

    Vaping Time - Milestones Reached - Good News!

    Where to start.... Vaping saved my life.... July will mark 5 years stinky free for me. But it also marks my 2 week vape free month. I went from 14mg Nicsalts to 0 mg about 6 weeks ago. The switch was not that hard as I upped the ice in my pre-mixes. I finally decided to leave the vape for 1 day...
  2. GerrieP

    Dirty Lol's Thread

  3. GerrieP

    Dirty Lol's Thread

  4. GerrieP

    Dirty Lol's Thread

  5. GerrieP

    Dirty Lol's Thread

    Jannie van Brakpan sê vir Sannie... Dis nou jammer jy gaan trou, ek wou jou nog baie gespyker het... Sannie sê: Ek gaan net trou, nie trek nie....
  6. GerrieP

    Dirty Lol's Thread

  7. GerrieP

    Dirty Lol's Thread

  8. GerrieP

    Dirty Lol's Thread

  9. GerrieP

    Dirty Lol's Thread

  10. GerrieP

    Dirty Lol's Thread

  11. GerrieP

    Dirty Lol's Thread

  12. GerrieP

    Dirty Lol's Thread

    Die lewe is darem kort, n klient van my is so twee jaar terug getroud met n meisie van Thailand,sy is ongelukkig gister oggend oorlede aan prostaat kanker.
  13. GerrieP

    Dirty Lol's Thread

  14. GerrieP

    Braai Check

    Christmas day snacs... Plankie steak, chicken skewers, cherry bacon wraps all to follow in due time.
  15. GerrieP

    Dirty Lol's Thread
