Recent content by Jacques@1

  1. Jacques@1

    2 baby beasts with rebuilable decks

    Hi, you still looking for baby beast? Have 1 with RBA.
  2. Jacques@1

    SOLD Black GPriv Mod only

    Thanx @Vino1718 appreciate it
  3. Jacques@1

    SOLD Black GPriv Mod only

    Talk tomorrow, thanx
  4. Jacques@1

    SOLD Black GPriv Mod only

    @Nico wzl I know, like the tank on the mod.
  5. Jacques@1

    SOLD Black GPriv Mod only

    Ok, what's your number, contact you tomorrow, I'll take it.
  6. Jacques@1

    SOLD Black GPriv Mod only

    Thinking about Courier Guy, is it realy mod only, do you have a tank you can throw in?
  7. Jacques@1

    SOLD Black GPriv Mod only

    Howmuch would shipping be to Vryburg North west? Any idea?
  8. Jacques@1

    SOLD Black GPriv Mod only

    @Tsharks do you still have the priv?
  9. Jacques@1

    Asmodus minikin 150w + batteries & smok head

    @Jan-Swart,is your G-Priv for sale?
  10. Jacques@1

    Flovour pig

    Flovour pig
  11. Jacques@1

    Vape Sale (Tanks and Mod)

    @Reaper Vape is the priv still up for grabs?
  12. Jacques@1

    SOLD Tesla stealth

    @Cor Do you still have this mod?