Recent content by KavZ

  1. K

    Asvape michael

    Bump with price drop to R1100.00.
  2. K

    Asvape michael

    Please find pictures attached. Apologies for not including the device images in the OP.
  3. K

    Asvape michael

    Item for Sale :- Asvape Michael 200w VO200 chip Selling Price :- R1300 neg. Sells for R1500 brand new. Condition :- Open and vaped a tank on it. Almost new. Never dropped. Age of the item :- 1 week Clone or Authentic :- Authentic Location of item :- Johannesburg (Rosebank during the day &...
  4. K

    SOLD Jaybo Cylin

    @EZBlend Apologies for not getting back to you. I checked for the tank to realize a friend currently has it. Should get it back by tomorrow so can then forward it to you to discuss everything.
  5. K

    SOLD Jaybo Cylin

    Please PM me as I have a Melo that I can trade for. Might need a new coil for it though but have everything else.
  6. K

    [Wanted] iJust S Kit

    Pm me as I might have one for sale in the next few days.
  7. K

    Introduce Yourselves:

    @shaunnadan Thanks bro. This is going to be insane. Seems like there is a massive community in SA. Need to troll the forsale forum and see what I can run into. lol
  8. K

    Introduce Yourselves:

    @KZOR Thanks man. Just pushing hard on the research so I buy the best product for myself.
  9. K

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Yo everyone. I'm KavZ(Kavir). Based in Weltevreden Park and want to make the whole West Rand smoke up (With Vape at least). lol. New to the screne and been hunting for a device for a while now. Now sure what I might get but will see how it goes. Kavir