Recent content by Kershan*

  1. Kershan*


    This guys, is by far the best rba ever,I have 4 and u just can't beat it,GLWS Buddy
  2. Kershan*

    Lost vape thelema Dna 250c gift set

    Will do tommorow,last month this time I was in Abu Dhabi
  3. Kershan*

    Lost vape thelema Dna 250c gift set

    Item:LOST VAPE THELEMA GIFT SET Age:3 YEARS Price:1500 Payment Methods Accepted:CASH EFT Warranty:NONE Packaging:YES Authentic/Clone:AUTHENTIC Condition:7 Location:DURBAN Reason:TOO MUCH VAPE Shipping:ON BUYER Link:
  4. Kershan*

    Archive Cthulhu Hastur AIO (21700/18650)

    U should give ur son this,awesome device he will.enjoy it buddy
  5. Kershan*

    SOLD Authentic Mobb 2 (M2)

    I will take this ,sent a dm
  6. Kershan*

    SOLD Hellfire Titanium TITAN Multiskull

    Stunning device,GLWS
  7. Kershan*


    Item: Astro dna 60 with extra set of panals Age:1 year Price: 3500 Payment Methods Accepted:all methods welcome Warranty:none Packaging:yes Authentic/Clone:clone Condition:8 out 10 Location:durban Reason: Getting out of clones bought to see if I would.adapt to the boro world Shipping:on me Link:
  8. Kershan*

    What's in your hand right now?

    Loving this boro world,so convenient
  9. Kershan*

    Odin v2

    I will take it thanks
  10. Kershan*

    SOLD Svoemesto Kayfun5 squared

    I will take it ship it to Dubai
  11. Kershan*

    What's in your hand right now?

    Oxva x slim for the win, just have to watch ur finger and the airflow other wise that pod gives u atleast 3000 puffs
  12. Kershan*

    What's in your hand right now?

    Where u get a white sleeve from Uncle Rob
  13. Kershan*

    What's in your hand right now?

    Jay haze dna 75 1/50 kayfun x
  14. Kershan*

    SOLD Artist edition Hex

    Huge vouch, Great price Too