Recent content by khemas

  1. K

    Horizon Tech Arctic Sub Ohm Tank

    Many thanks VandaL ! Will have a look on this nice video.
  2. K

    Horizon Tech Arctic Sub Ohm Tank

    Looks amazing. Those chinese go fast ! 0,2 ohm, 100W capable...Is there some reviews ? I'm a little bit concerned about airflow and juice feeding.
  3. K

    Phil does Chalice

    Another future unicorn... If it's the same thing than Chalice v1 and v2 of course... It was my first unicorn, when I bought my first Réo mini !
  4. K

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Vaponaute is great. I love into the wild. They participate at Njoy premium range elaboration too. And we have Inax and Picolibri !
  5. K

    What tank too use on a eleaf istick 20w

    I would recommand mini nautilus over subtanks cause subtanks main purpose is subohm, and your Istick won't support very low coils
  6. K

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hi there, I'm Khemas (from France). I just have discovered your forum. Didn't know that South African forums were existing ! It's nice to learn from SA tendencies. Hope I can help with french tendencies here too :)
  7. K

    All Things Reo

    I just have ordered a low profile version. Will perfectly work with new docdave atty ! Reos are back !
  8. K

    [DNA40]Rail Box ?

    Do you guys know the Rail Box ? The rail system is absolutely unique…Some kind of billet box but as far as I know it works with every RDA/RTA on the market and it embarks a DNA 40 ! It’s made in France by Vape Tools. Did somebody try this box, or found a review ?