Recent content by Paul33

  1. Paul33

    What's in your hand right now?

    this is also cool!!!
  2. Paul33

    What's in your hand right now?

    That's cool!
  3. Paul33

    What Are You Waiting For?

    This looks interesting and different!!!
  4. Paul33

    I am getting fed up with this race.... the human one that is.

    Unfortunately opinions are like @ssholes, every one has one and no one should either with everyone!
  5. Paul33

    Desk check

    More of a cat check than a desk check but anywho…
  6. Paul33

    Need help to mix the concentrates

    do this! it makes so much more sense when you see it being done in person!
  7. Paul33

    Need help to mix the concentrates

    a syringe does work but if you going to mix in the long term, get a scale! no mess and no clean up and SO much faster.
  8. Paul33

    Need help to mix the concentrates

    i was just about to ask the same thing! scales are the best thing for mixing!
  9. Paul33

    Need help to mix the concentrates

    What nicotine have you got?
  10. Paul33

    Need help to mix the concentrates

    Have you mixed at all before? What do you have if anything? What kind of juices do you like?
  11. Paul33

    Major pitstop

    Rewicking can be dangerous!!!
  12. Paul33

    What's in your hand right now?

    Well done :campeon:
  13. Paul33

    SOLD Cthulhu Hastur AIO and Boro tank bundle

    Is this the 21700 version?
  14. Paul33

    What did you Mix today?

    @victim been a while but a big ish mix just for you!