Recent content by RaNc1D

  1. RaNc1D

    Introduce Yourselves:

    I agree with Pico. It's very handy with it's compact size, but my need for refills and battery swaps sometimes leaves me without a vape at certain times. As an entry kit it still manages an awesome cloud with good taste. I guess I'm just looking for a larger kit as a primary, and use the Pico...
  2. RaNc1D

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Thanks a lot. Nope, no relation with the band, just a handle I have had ever since my first foray into the gaming world :nerd:. I'm actually looking at the iJoy rdta box 200w kit. I have seen many amazing reviews of it, and it is very versatile. On the plus side, I have a buddy that has a rta...
  3. RaNc1D

    Do you suffer from bad Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever????

    Hope you don't mind a noob replying, but I came across the Alchemist Collection juices meant for mixing and creating your personalised mixes. One of them is the Global Warming juice which is a sweet peppermint flavour (menthol). Maybe give that a go in your mix?
  4. RaNc1D

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hello. Pleased to be a part of this awesome community. I'm coming off of around 10 years of smoking, and I never want to go back. The iStick Pico was my first kit purchase (about 3 weeks ago), and it's pretty decent. I'll be looking to upgrade in the new year to a new mod and RTA once funds are...