I cant for the life of me figure out why I didnt see this post!
We should definitely have a meet sometime, I ordered a SVD last night already so I think Im sold on that for now but really keen on having a meet sometime.
Yeah I think I need to get one together. I have 3 colleagues and 4 friends that I have converted from analogues so its a small group to get started on!
That is sad, I probably would have gone for one of those but I placed an order last night already for a bunch of juices, atty's and the SVD.
My wife will soon need a new device too and I think that is more up her alley, will check with her.
I just checked them, most of them are Samsung ICR's and I dont really think they would be suitable for mech mods. They dont show max amps stats on the battery so I would be a little reluctant to try them.
I would have to get another couple when I go down that route for safety sake after watching...
Thanks for all the help guys, I decided to go with a SVD and an aerotank for now. Will also get a RBA and start experimenting there. I can move on to a mech mod later when I have a bit more experience with RBA's.
Im a little confused about the mech mods, I was looking at them on vapeking now and they dont seem to have a button to fire them. Are they not regulated i.e just run at whatever power is left in the battery?
I really need to do some reading up on them.
Budget isnt too much of an issue with them, dont really want to spend crazy amounts on a device but I also want to get something that will work better than what I currently have.
I have never tried mechanical mods but have been interested in them for quite a while.
Any suggestions on those?
The 18650's always make things big but Im used to them by now. Its itaste VV probably died because I used it badly :(
It was a fantastic device up until that point and was my absolute favorite based on size and performance.
I was looking at that but it looked a little shorter possibly around 18350 sized. Its leading the pack in search at the moment with the MVP following in 2nd.
Thanks for the reply Zeki.
Unfortunately I have two of those lying in a cupboard with collapsed buttons. Both mine and my wife's died a miserable death after about 3 months of use.
Thanks I should have done that in here, I created a new thread in the noob corner because I really need to find something better than what I am currently using.