Recent content by Shakesy

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    Item: QP/GM SCION 25mm Age: 3 months Price: 659 Payment Methods Accepted: eft/cash Warranty: Should still be available, i have the invoice Packaging: all Authentic/Clone: auth Condition: 9.5/10 Location: Cape town Reason: Funding Shipping: on buyer Link: Can send more pics as requested
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    Coilturd An RDA for vaping

    Hey bud, im keen on trying this atty mind whatsapping me on 0721852048
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    IJOY Captain X3

    Im only interested in the captain because i bored my purge out to a 21700 so ive got 8×20700 sanyo batts and i can fit some of my atties ( 28+ mm ) on the captain. I mainly have 24mm goons, 2 drops, a deoo dead, a drop solo and drop 2, might let go of my purge carnage rda as well. I dont have...
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    IJOY Captain X3

    Hey bud.... Anything particular u loking to trade for?
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    Armor mech squonk + flave 22 with 2 extra caps

    Pop me a dm with ir mail sdiw and I'll send pics etc.... I keep forgetting to open this page and have a look ... Soory for the delay bud
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    Armor mech squonk + flave 22 with 2 extra caps

    Item for Sale :- armor mech squonk + flave 22 Selling Price :- R3000 Condition :- 9/10 on both Age of the item :- unsure Clone or Authentic :- yes Location of item :- cape Town Delivery/Collection :- to be discussed Reason for sale:- wanted to take drive down the flave train and I prefer...
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    SOLD Haku Cruiser and Flave 22

    Oh, I'd like both if they are both available
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    SOLD Haku Cruiser and Flave 22

    Hey sarel, if @Halfdaft Customs sisnt able to.... Can I get in on the action?
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    SOLD QP Jugger MR and Odin 100

    yo bud. i sent a pm
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    SOLD SS Widowmaker

    Cool boet I've whattsapped you
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    SOLD SS Widowmaker

    Hey bud if you still keen and you can get here today you can get for 450 and I'll throw in a 120ml.nerd falooda that's not for me
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    SOLD SS Widowmaker

    Yo bud I replied the same day
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    QP juggernaut v2 rta

    At this point I'm willing to swap an entire setup in that post for it.... Becuase the qp isn't as tall as the widowmaker or m25 and my paranormal is ss