Item for Sale :- LP/SL Reo Grand, 3 Button covers, Vicious Ant Cyclone with AFC. 2 Bay Charger, 3 Batteries & some vape tools.
Selling Price :- R2200.00
Condition :- Good overall
Age of the item :- 1 year or so
Clone or Authentic :- Authentic
Location of item :- Centurion
Delivery/Collection :-...
Item Being Sold: Istick 30w red/pink & Nautilus
Selling Price: R800
Condition: Excellent...not a scratch
Age: Approx 3 or 4 months
Location: Centurion by day, Midrand by night.
Collection preferred
Reason for selling: Wife wanted to start vaping. Used it about 4 times and never touched it again.
@Oupa if possible, i would like to add a black delrin button cover, another spare 6ml bottle and one of those 35A Efest batteries to my order. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks :wasntme:
1. @Mufasa - LP RM2 Chrome
2. @Vetsak - Grand door Copper Vein
3. @JimmyZee - LP/SL REO Grand Black Wrinkle with Metallic Red SL door & Brassbutton cover
4. @Tchwank247 - LP/SL REO Grand Black Anodized, Alu button cover, 2 x extra 6ml bottle
Item being sold: Black Anodized Reo Mini LP/SL for sale. New adjustable 510 and gold contacts. Comes with 4 Efest 18500 batteries, 4 3ml bottles.
Price: R1900.00
Condition: Mod in pristine condition...not a scratch. I look after my possessions
Age: 2 months
Location: Centurion by day/ Midrand...
Yep, had the exact same issue with my atlantis.....way bigger airflow compared to the ego type setups. Some get used to it and some go back to tanks with smaller airflow for mouth to lung. Take the smallest quick draws possible for a couple of days and you should get accustomed to it in...