Recent content by TiemieX

  1. TiemieX

    Smok Xcube 2 with TFV4 tank

    No leaks. Got extra silicone discs an o-rings in kit. No scratches. I think the loose batt cover is a bit exaggerated. BT a bit gimmicky though. Using the tricoil at 110W.
  2. TiemieX

    Smok Xcube 2 with TFV4 tank

    Working 24h today. Already used 15ml.
  3. TiemieX

    Smok Xcube 2 with TFV4 tank

    Awesome!!! You wont be disappointed. Better start making your own juice. And 4 batts a must.
  4. TiemieX

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    Got mine on thursday. With a Smok X cube II. No leaks. Just clouds and flavour for days. Mayde you got a bad batch. Like my Kanger 0.5 coils I ordered a while ago.
  5. TiemieX

    Juices - What's Missing?

    Biltong flavour?
  6. TiemieX

    Kangertech Subox Mini Received....

    Ejuice consumption on this? Definitely not a diesel. More like a V8. I used 5 ml 6 mg juice since my last post...enjoying every moment.
  7. TiemieX

    Kangertech Subox Mini Received....

    Got my subox mini from F'tech this morning (ordered on 19 of May). Definitely an upgrade from the egoOne. Toms of vapour. Already loving VW. Lets the VV/VW/TC games begin...Xcube II will be next.
  8. TiemieX

    Kangertech Subox Mini

    Pre-ordered last week. My first box mod. Upgraded to eGo ONE after a month of vaping from a Twisp. Also ordered my first premium juice - SB Mothers Milk. Like VapeKing ejuices. Next is a black Tesla mech mod to go with my black subtank...
  9. TiemieX

    Eastern Cape Meet

    Awesome pics. Thought it looked familiar. Im originally from Uitenhage. Brandwag bo!!
  10. TiemieX

    Ejuices Easily Available In South Africa

    Thanx. Wil try them. Ordered sample pack from SkyblueVape. Hope it will be here next week.
  11. TiemieX

    Ejuices Easily Available In South Africa

    Twisp ejuice tastes so good in the Twisp unit but harsh in my new toy, the eGo one. Liqua bad in both.
  12. TiemieX

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Thanx. Dunno if u can see but it is a Porsche tractor.
  13. TiemieX

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Thanks for all your support.
  14. TiemieX

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Thanx. As a gadget freak I am already thinking of all the nice mods...
  15. TiemieX

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hey. Im new. I smoked camel classic and non-filter for 15 years. Now ecig (twisp with 18mg rebel) for 1 week. Just woke up, made coffee and took dog outside. Sucked hell out of ecig till head spins. No more craving for NF with morning coffee. Awesome. I feel great.