Recent content by Wapenson

  1. W

    Pico with Melo 2 issues

    Thank you so much, it seems that is was the resistance that was wrong. Seems to be working fine for now.
  2. W

    Pico with Melo 2 issues

    Good day I was wondering if anyone can help me out. I got my first TC setup (Pico & Melo 2) and I'm currently using the Ni setting for the nickel coil that I have. My problem is that there is no flavor and no vape production, am I doing something wrong? Tried is from 390F up to 500F. Jews...
  3. W

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hi guys, im new to the vaping thing. Been vaping for 5 months now. Great forum that you have here and I see that vaping is truly a rabbit hole, one which I cant wait to discover :D.
  4. W

    Lots of Juices For Sale

    Do you still have the Nicoticket available?