Recent content by Werries

  1. Werries

    Where I can fix my DNA 200

    Will it be possible to send me his details please?? I'll ship my mod to him. I cant afford n new mod at this time
  2. Werries

    Where I can fix my DNA 200

    Yes I plugged the mod in and one of my batteries was dead but I did put three other battries in and it showed all three of there voltigas. I had a look at my contact housings and it is not damaged
  3. Werries

    Where I can fix my DNA 200

    My batteries are making contac and it stil dead as soon as I plug it out of the PC.
  4. Werries

    Where I can fix my DNA 200

    What did he charge you to fix yours?
  5. Werries

    Where I can fix my DNA 200

    It's the Lost Vape Therion.
  6. Werries

    Where I can fix my DNA 200

    It is dead. But as soon as I plug it into the PC the screen comes on. And when I push the fire button it fire's for n second and then it says ohm's to high. And if I unplug it from the PC it goes dead again
  7. Werries

    Where I can fix my DNA 200

    Hi everyone. Does anaybody know someone who can fix a DNA200??
  8. Werries

    NB VapeCon 2017 - Sat 26 Aug - Save the date and RSVP

    Hi guy's. Do you know if the Vendors at Vapecon are going to accept cash? If not I'm in a bit of trouble.
  9. Werries

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hi!! My name is Werner. I finally decided to join the forum!! I've been vaping for about four years now. I started vaping because I liked the taste of the vapour. I don't smoke, did not smoke and I will never smoke because of the awfull taste and smell. Looking forward to continue my journey...