Whiskey Sour
This journey started early July 2016. Did not like the idea recipe. Looking at many cocktail recipes and trying many combinations, I am over the moon with the version below.
To my mind one should use just enough tart to make a counterpoint to the whiskey, and just enough sweet to take the edge of the sour.
FA Whiskey at 4 % might look a bit high, going lower one loses much of the boozy side. INW Lime was added for extra character and to prevent the Lemon from fading. The Sour for that tart lining on the lips - you can up this to 1.0 % if you like tart. TFA Marshmallow is the just enough sweet and provides a bit of body and mouthfeel. One does not want to add too much sweet to bury the Lemon/Lime altogether - the cocktail is a sour after all. Next time I might try Toasted Marshmallow - have read it contributes to the boozy side. FA Oak adds a little gravitas to the Whiskey. TFA Maraschino Cherry is extremely potent. Using it undiluted totally overpowers the juice. Fortunately, FW Capsicum had me learning quickly about 10 % solutions. The Cherry here is in the background, a garnishing. Of course, a Whiskey Sour must be on ice - TFA Koolada.
Mine steeped for more than a month - to make sure the Lemon does not fade. It did not. I think a week steep should be fine - just to get the Citrus ingredients to calm down and not be too harsh.
FA Whiskey 4.0 % (EDIT: FLV Bourbon at 3.0 % here is discernibly better)
FA Lemon Sicily 2.0 %
INW Lime 1.0 %
TFA Marshmallow 1.0 % (EDIT: TFA Toasted Marshmallow works far better here, at the same percentage)
TFA Sour 0.5 % (EDIT: I went up to 1.0 % to good effect)
FA Oak 0.5 %
TFA Maraschino Cherry (10 % solution) 0.5 %
TFA Koolada 0.5 % (EDIT: FA Polar Blast at 0.75 % works better for me)
Total flavour: 10.0 %
EDIT: As indicated above, I tried TFA Toasted Marshmallow in the place of TFA Marshmallow. Wow, it takes the juice from being good to being great (in my humble opinion of course
EDIT: Tried 3.0 % FLV Bourbon in the place of FA Whiskey. A marked improvement. Punchier and more boozy. More of an oak aged character. Maraschino less pronounced now.
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