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  1. Pixstar

    Rob's Pod testing thread

    Agree with all the above comments but there’s something about such a small compact system you can just pop into your pocket, grab your keys and pop out the house for a short while. Also there’s the stealth vaping convenience when one just needs a drag or two at a place one would normally not use...
  2. Pixstar

    Scrawny Gecko Strips!

    Sorry about that, the usual phone browsing mishaps. Worse now that the iPhone up/down arrows are in line with the dislike button...
  3. Pixstar

    Dr. C. Soda

    Caustic Soda
  4. Pixstar

    Best Single Coil RTA's

    Enjoy my SM22 too. I regret piffing a brand new one to a client not long ago...
  5. Pixstar

    Best Single Coil RTA's

    In my experience, I have found that in order to test a tank’s flavour porential, one must use dessert/bakery flavours. Most of the tanks I have experienced taste good (some better than others) with fruit/menthol/ice flavours, but less of them shine with dessert/bakery profiles. My 2c, my...
  6. Pixstar

    Best Single Coil RTA's

    Freedom RTA.
  7. Pixstar

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!
  8. Pixstar

    Svoemesto Kayfun Five² RTA

    Nice one. Beautifully machined! Rob, in your opinion, is juice flow control really necessary when one looks at how well the cheaper RTA’s perform without it?
  9. Pixstar

    New to squonking - options!

    Although I don’t own one (enjoying the Nudge 22) I have only heard good things about the Recurve as a squonk RDA.
  10. Pixstar

    New to squonking - options!

    Both Luxotic and Pulse 80W are very good. I went to my local vendor thinking I’d walk out with the Pulse (after paying lol) but I ended up going home with the Luxotic. What changed my mind was the very small size and build quality. It’s pesonal preference though as I believe they both perform...
  11. Pixstar

    My Rubber Smells funny :D

    Let it sit covered in vodka. Place the whole tank in, disassembled. Be careful with using vinegar, they damage orings by stretching them.
  12. Pixstar

    Top 3 current RTA's

    - Freedom RTA - by Dovape (Yes it's only a tiny 2ml RTA, but flavour is simply superb and IMHO worth the frequent refills. No leaks. Single Coil. Compact. Easy to wick and coil) - Zeus RTA (Single coil. No leaks with top AF. Great flavour. Easy to wick.) - Serpent Mini 22 (Single coil. Great...
  13. Pixstar

    Long long time

    @Viper_SA The Nudge 22 is excellent. At the price, probably the best single coil 22mm RDA you can get, IMHO. Great for squonking.
  14. Pixstar


    Ummmmm interesting...
  15. Pixstar


  16. Pixstar

    PIF Request

    Just a suggestion: Why not sell the Cuboid Pro and buy the stuff you want with the cash? You don’t need more than a Pico to stay away from smoking. Pico is excellent.
  17. Pixstar

    What's in your hand right now?

    No stealth vaping?
  18. Pixstar

    Introducing: The Coil Company

    Don't apologise @Mclaren008 , these exotic coil terms confuse most of us. This is my understanding:-