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  1. Ou PooT

    You may not be lowering your nic intake by dropping down.

    I tend to agree with you, my self vape zero nicotine and when the craving strike I drip with my mech mod witch would happen maybe 2 -3 times a day.
  2. Ou PooT

    Kangertech: Subox Mini

    Got one two weeks ago and never looked back. Stainless with red O-rings and Drip-tip to match. SEXY as Hell. Its a good thing that tastes differs otherwise my tank would have looked ordinary.
  3. Ou PooT

    Efest reliability challenged

    Will hit the introduction thread in time, thanx.
  4. Ou PooT

    Pg Vs Vg - A Nice Noob Friendly Article

    Nice info for me NOOB!
  5. Ou PooT

    Efest reliability challenged

    :rofl: Thanx for saving my day :clap: