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  1. M.Adhir

    Lockdown diaries - COVID-19 matters!

    On the plus side, you will be more popular with people due to your built in wifi Hotspot.
  2. M.Adhir

    Affordable laser engraving

    Check with BLCK Pretty sure I saw them do some a while back
  3. M.Adhir

    Lockdown diaries - COVID-19 matters!

    Looks like it's getting back on track and climbing then. Deaths are worrying - even more so that so many are probably unreported. We should expect a replay video for another 2 weeks of L4 come Sunday.
  4. M.Adhir

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    Some nice nice @baksteen8168 great job sir My batteries can finally stop living in chargers and relocate here instead