I would prefer you don't. A good recipe will tell the vaper it's profile without using visual stimulation or guidance or worse having me open a box of my favourite childhood biscuits in the middle of the aisle to see if I either forgot the taste or perhaps they changed the profile.
@SHiBBY just for the fun of the whole experience, trying everything etc...and just because I KNOW what the shift did for me, if you have a few Rands lying around, get a small scale from Blck and try it out...just for incase there's a sudden medical supply shortage that strikes. ;)
I fully understand your point @Timwis but if we go down this route then 1st start with, When ID10-T mixed up Mother of Dragons, when he measured the dragonfruit, how do we know that scale was accurate? And before the end of the day we start questioning things like, "how do I know that what I see...
The thing is the scales are not expensive at all, it's way more convenient, it's accurate, it's less messy, and it takes less than half the time than mixing with syringes. Give it a go...if you don't like it after giving it a fair chance, I'll buy the scale from you at the price you paid for it...
I'm sure you didn't mix up the syringes and scales preference here which makes me curious. Why syringes for the large and scales for the little?
Another thing that I think you're overlooking: When mixing a recipe from a mixer found on ATF or ELR, I'm sure said mixer when creating and mixing the...
This is very vague...best in price, best in service, best in variety?
Haven't bought juice in ages but I can tell you I exclusively used JuicyJoes. And I stay in Gauteng.