I fully understand this itch, I still get it from time to time and I satiate it with my 21700 mech and a low ohm dual coil build. https://www.sirvape.co.za/collections/sir-vape-high-end/products/the-rulebreaker-by-vaperz-cloud you could always have a look at one of these, it takes all of my...
Dad??? That's a twist no one saw coming...
Jokes aside, I've had the same issue with my two tabs, though I've been able to pulse 'n pinch on my vaporesso gen without issue, I think the issue may be the depth of the start of the threads on the tabs as they seem to be slightly deeper than those...
Do you know if Obey Robot will be bringing out BB doors similar to this, I could really use a black set for my labrat to keep the stormtrooper look going.
I also have an RBAlien in and it's singing! I've only had deserts on hand to try and it's been wonderful, though I will be getting some fruits soon to test.