Look nice, but the center pin!!!....Too many issues with the 10 / 20 Watt Eleaf's cause of that pin being fixed.Maybe V2 will come out with that sorted.
Ja....I've met a few non smoking guys who told me vaping is worse than smoking (because of noobs spreading bad propganda ec t ect)....Which i respond, "yeah I don't cough and I don't smell like a trashcan"....U must be right (No use to try to convince someone who's not open minded). Someone sent...
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder....Something like that ;-) If u need a stick to hit a dog, u will find one....Something like that...Whatever u do in life, there will always be someone that will label u... ;-)
Dont chuck it....Use the inside....Make yourself a custom mod....Just get a connection from one of the supliers...or find a dead 30 watt and replace the top part...