It's just funny that I vaped about 4ml of juice with the Magma and when I changed it to the other Reo it just went with the first press of the fire button. But I agree I think it must be something inside the Magma. (Not being able to get a reading on the Ohm meter for a newly coiled Magma...
I'm using the normal little ones and from time to time just check with the MVP if the correlate and it's quite accurate. Both usually shows the same, give 0.01 or 0.02
I'll check out some You tube vids on Magma and see how it is put together. Especially the connecting pin.
Was just thinking, the guys had some issues with threading on the Atomic & Magma. Maybe I screwed it in too deep or something damaging the Reo's 510, although it seems to have screws in...
The load was not a problem at all, 1.3 Ohm - 10 wraps 28G
I just now build a new coil on the Magma and it still doesn't give any reading on the Ohm meter so I suppose it must have been the Magma causing the short. But still don't know where, it must be inside the pin thingy as nothing else is...
Agree 100% there @Nooby
It might just have been the screws on the posts that have come loose, and if I'd checked the resistance would have picked that up.
Also would the batteries still be ok? I noticed both Batteries used with the BF Magma has theses rings on the bottom. Didn't notice before if those rings were there. It's the Purple Efest 3100mAh 20A ones.
Last night I was changing the BF Magma over from one Reo to the other and fired once & twice and nothing....
Then I heard a rattle inside the Reo and find my spring collapsed due to a short.
The problem is I'm not sure what caused the short, as I just removed the the Magma from the one Reo...
Just need to adjust the "Squonking" as I think the BF Magma "Squonks" juice easier than the Reomizer 2.0 or it might not drain as well as the Reomizer 2.0, because I find myself ending up with alot of juice in the chamber.