What would the cash input be without the Sapor - and me throwing in a 2 month old Pearlescent (White)Joyetech 75w VTC mini, (with Box) with a Zephyrys V1 RBTA? Oh and shipping to JHB?
Happy Happy Riyad - Enjoy!!! I'll spend my rest of my Monday all greenish of envy. @Oupa looking forward to more of these, especially seeing the VM brand at my local VapeShop...!
Happy Monday's fellow forumights
Hey BuzzGlo - Se you are using the Fishbone Dripper - is it the tri post one I am struggling my @$$ off on getting the enjoyment from it... Whats your built like on them?
My name is Dwain - vaping since December with the birth of my daughter as the starting point... kinking the stinkies ....
Vaping was and is still somewhat a new addiction - an addiction to flavor discovery , the next coil built and especially the Vaping community.
One thing that I have...