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  1. Normz

    To Clone or not to Clone.

    I started my 'enthusiast' journey on clones, and it really wasn't a great experience and slowly working out the clones from my collection. The differences may be subtle, but they are there and the passion for the product is just not there with a clone
  2. Normz

    What's in your hand right now?

    Thanks @Silver , I'll have to get you a drink at the meet
  3. Normz

    What's in your hand right now?

    @Silver the Irish rock on the west rand. Very far from home but definitely worth it. On the way home now, few too many Guinness for one evening :D
  4. Normz

    What's in your hand right now?

    Come join us @Silver :P st paddys is happening #happyplace
  5. Normz

    What's in your hand right now?

    My night so far, with a @Rob Fisher plate shot
  6. Normz

    What's in your hand right now?

    Ready for ST PADDYS DAY!!!!!!
  7. Normz

    NB ECIGSSA JHB VapeMeet - Saturday 1 April 2017

    @Stosta is that the little house in the woods? They really are a lovely family and they feed you really well, and those couches they have feel so moisturised and comfortable, I'm going there again this weekend
  8. Normz

    St Patrick's Day - Give away and special

    Done, tagged, shared
  9. Normz

    vote for our design if you like it

    Voted and shared. That staircase though :/ if HRH had to take my mods up there, I'd never vape again, but then again I'm terrified of heights :D
  10. Normz

    #ITSOKAYTOTALK - Mental Illness

    Hey guys, posted on here once before, and thought I was getting better, till 2 weeks ago. Been hell on earth again lately with the anxiety, starting my zytomil tomorrow morning, so apparently its progressed to needing a stronger, daily dose of meds, lets just hope these work hey:) @Viper_SA ...
  11. Normz

    Best Tank for Istick Pico 75w

    Good choice. Have a look in the classifieds, the bigger guys tend to let the babies go quickly to get the big baby version(never understood why though)
  12. Normz

    Best Tank for Istick Pico 75w

    The baby beast is really nice on the pico, especially with the stock coils. However, you will have a noticeable increase in juice usage. Well worth it for the upgrade, And when I got my rda I gave the pico to my fiancée and even she refuses to use the melo now. The baby beast really is a great...
  13. Normz

    Help wanted : How to wrap or spray paint my Cuboid Mod

    Step 1:mask screen Step 2: wirebrush entire mod Step 3: attach buff wheel to bench grinder Step 4: brasso + welding gloves ??? Step 5: profit
  14. Normz

    NB ECIGSSA JHB VapeMeet - Saturday 1 April 2017

    I just need to chat to @Stosta about how he vapes with a beard that big, I've had mine for 10 years and nearly shaved it off on Saturday coz I was sick of the juice that a blow out getting trapped in my mustache :/
  15. Normz

    Another "what should I get" :)

    Gears on the kit, great choice there, hope she treats you well :D
  16. Normz

    NB ECIGSSA JHB VapeMeet - Saturday 1 April 2017

    Can't wait, the excitement is real :D Really looking forward to meeting you guys, you sound like a true bunch of hatters :D
  17. Normz

    Looking for a specific juice
  18. Normz

    Looking for a specific juice

    Try sonrise by cosmic fog. I loathe the friend that made me try it, I now diy my juice, but buy sonrise every month( and the only place I know that sells it is 45min away)
  19. Normz

    What's in your hand right now?

    Just rebuilt the goon, apparently these are aliens, I think they were labeled wrong :?
  20. Normz

    Another "what should I get" :)

    @ddk1979 , @Tiaan21 , this is the stripped and polished alien. Could do with another polish though, been neglected for a bit...